I have seen some crazy people do some crazy things on my variety show. I have to stop and ask them a lot of the time, just how they figured out that they could do the things that they do, some of it is just plain freaky. Steve Harvey More Quotes by Steve Harvey More Quotes From Steve Harvey I'm still very much a Christian and have a great relationship with God. I love Him, but one of my flaws is that I cuss. Steve Harvey i-love-himflawschristian A lot of times we expect people who get money and fame to suddenly become this "role model" or this "icon." That ain't how it works. Money and fame - all it does it just allows you to be more of who you really are. Steve Harvey role-modelsiconspeople I talked to Minister [Louis] Farrakhan many times about this subject - there is our reality that we have to deal with on an ongoing basis because we have to exist in order for certain things to get done. Steve Harvey ongoingorderreality I've always been this way. My father taught this to me. Here's the thing, you have to understand; the thing about having money: Money and fame don't change you, all it does is allow you to be more of who you are anyway. Steve Harvey doefatherway I was raised by a mother who was a Sunday school teacher and a father who worked hard. Together they taught me to give back. Steve Harvey motherteacherfather The hip hop community is not at fault here - I'm definitely not blaming them. But, that can't be the only view of manhood for our young men. Steve Harvey hip-hopviewsmen If you think "sagging," and, how many women you've got, and how big a chain you've got, and how much dope you're slangin', and how much money you've got in your pocket makes you a "man," then you're sadly mistaken. You're going to be a misguided soul your entire life. Steve Harvey dopementhinking The mentoring program [of the Steve Harvey foundation] is to teach young boys the principles of manhood. Steve Harvey foundationprinciplesboys The [Steve Harvey] foundation started originally about the educational needs of children. But, as I got into it more and more, one of my main objectives became mentoring programs for young African American men because that's our problem in our community - it's the African American men. Steve Harvey educationalmenchildren Our only teachers and role models for our young men cannot be, you know, videos, and, the hip hop community. Steve Harvey role-modelsteachermen You think that God positioned you here so you can just have it all to yourself? God blesses you to become a blessing. That's the deal. Steve Harvey god-bless-youblessingthinking I'm not a movie star and I know that. Steve Harvey movie-starstarsknows My father was married to mother 'til the day he died, for over 64 years. He's why I kept trying to get the marriage thing right. All I knew growing up was that my father was married to and loved my momma, period. He worked hard, made some money, and put it on the dresser. She spent it on the family, and he went out and earned some more. He taught me the most about love. Steve Harvey growing-upmotherfather I'm a old hoodlum, so I will jump on you if I have to. Steve Harvey ifs Through a lot of conversations with the Minister [Louis Farrakhan] you've got to know when to say something. But if you are forever going to be afraid to say anything, then you become irrelevant - as a force. I mean, so the God-given gift that you got, you're not a relevant player in the game - you're just a dude whose got money, got a big house and some cars. Steve Harvey playergamesmean I've had my share of problems along the way. Don't get me wrong, because there is no school for this. You go from a poor person to a rich person. My parents didn't have no money; didn't tell me nothing about investments. Steve Harvey parentwayschool God does things for us because He trusts us; that when He gives it to us, that we will do the right thing. We'll open up our eyes and see the plan He has for us. If we're not going to open up our eyes, don't worry - you're not going to have it long. You're short-lived. Steve Harvey eyegivinglong I found that the best way to go about [ Black men ] is to produce better men. And I think if we get them at a younger age, and start teaching these young brothers the principles of manhood: That real men go to work everyday; Real men honor God; Real men respect and adore women - that's what real men do. Steve Harvey realbrotherteaching You can't ask the women to do anymore. It's time for us as Black men to step up and be what we're supposed to be. Steve Harvey blackstepsmen If you're a generous person, when you get money and fame, you're going to be more generous. If you're a sharer, you're going to be more sharing. If you're a coward, you're just going to be a bigger coward. That's all money and fame does. Steve Harvey get-moneycowarddoe