I have so little mastered the art of tranquil living that wherever I go I trail storm clouds of drama around me. Mary Antin More Quotes by Mary Antin More Quotes From Mary Antin We are not born all at once, but by bits. The body first, and the spirit later; and the birth and growth of the spirit, in those who are attentive to their own inner life, are slow and exceedingly painful. Our mothers are racked with the pains of our physical birth; we ourselves suffer the longer pains of our spiritual growth. Mary Antin momspiritualmother It is only that my illusion is more real to me than reality. And so do we often build our world on an error, and cry out that the universe is falling to pieces, if any one but lift a finger to replace the error by truth. Mary Antin errorsrealfall It is painful to be consciously of two worlds. The Wandering Jew in me seeks forgetfulness. I am not afraid to live on and on, if only I do not have to remember too much. A long past vividly remembered is like a heavy garment that clings to your limbs when you would run. Mary Antin runningtwopast It is not that I belong to the past, but the past that belongs to me. Mary Antin past The past was only my cradle, and now it cannot hold me, because I am grown too big. Mary Antin cradlebigspast Such creatures of accident are we, liable to a thousand deaths before we are born. But once we are here, we may create our own world, if we choose. Mary Antin liablemayworld Among the liveliest of my memories are those of eating and drinking; and I would sooner give up some of my delightful remembered walks, green trees, cool skies, and all, than to lose my images of suppers eaten on Sabbath evenings at the end of those walks. Mary Antin giving-updrinkingmemories There was one public school for boys, and one for girls, but Jewish children were admitted in limited numbers - only ten to a hundred; and even the lucky ones had their troubles. Mary Antin girlchildrenschool The apex of my civic pride and personal contentment was reached on the bright September morning when I entered the public school. Mary Antin pridemorningschool What we get in steerage is not the refuse, but the sinew and bone of all the nations. Mary Antin bonesnationsrefuse His struggle for a bare living left him no time to take advantage of the public evening school. In time he learned to read, to follow a conversation or lecture; but he never learned to write correctly; and his pronunciation remains extremely foreign to this day. Mary Antin strugglewritingschool On a royal birthday every house must fly a flag, or the owner would be dragged to a police station and be fined twenty-five rubles. Mary Antin policehousebirthday Our mothers are racked with the pains of our physical birth; we ourselves suffer the longer pains of our spiritual growth. Mary Antin painspiritualmother One current of continuity runs underneath all the abortive phases of my life. From childhood on I have been obliged to drop anything I was doing to run after any man who seemed to know a little more than I did about God . . . I most want to write about: how a modern woman has sought the face of God-not the name nor the fame but the face [ital] of God-and what adventures came to meet her on this ancient human path. Mary Antin womenwritingrunning A little instruction in the elements of chartography—a little practice in the use of the compass and the spirit level, a topographical map of the town common, an excursion with a road map—would have given me a fat round earth in place of my paper ghost. Mary Antin elementsusepractice A long past vividly remembered is like a heavy garment that clings to your limbs when you would run. Mary Antin runninglongpast [I began to unload] the pyramid of honors, civic and literary, which had been heaped on me by the headlong process of rewarding a popular success. One day, I sat down and wrote a wholesale lot of letters of resignation. When I finished, I didn't belong to a single authors club or patriotic society. I was myself again, whatever that was. Mary Antin patrioticpyramidshonor I want now to be of today. It is painful to be conscious of two worlds. The Wandering Jew in me seeks forgetfulness. Mary Antin wanttwoworld There is never a Jewish community without its scholars, but where Jews may not be both intellectuals and Jews, they prefer to remain Jews. Mary Antin scholarcommunitymay You heard on all sides that the brightest Jewish children were turned down if the examining officers did not like the turn of their noses. Mary Antin two-sidesnoseschildren