I hit the third rail. You cannot criticize Israel in this country and survive. Helen Thomas More Quotes by Helen Thomas More Quotes From Helen Thomas I don't think a tough question is disrespectful. Helen Thomas tough-questions literature thinking We don't go into journalism to be popular. It is our job to seek the truth and put constant pressure on our leaders until we get answers. Helen Thomas leader answers jobs People will never know how hard it is to get information, especially if it's locked up behind official doors where, if politicians had their way, they'd stamp 'top secret' on the color of the walls. Helen Thomas wall color doors We are the only institution in our society that can question a president on a regular basis and make him accountable. Otherwise, he could be king. Helen Thomas our-society president kings I'm not anti-Jewish; I'm anti-Zionist. Helen Thomas zionist All presidents rail against the press. It goes with the turf. Helen Thomas turf rail president You cannot have a democracy without an informed people. Helen Thomas democracy people Everyone with a cell phone thinks they're a photographer. Everyone with a laptop thinks they're a journalist. But they have no training, and they have no idea of what we keep to in terms of standards, as in what's far out and what's reality. And they have no dedication to truth. Helen Thomas dedication reality thinking We in the press have a special role since there is no other institution in our society that can hold the President accountable. I do believe that our democracy can endure and prevail only if the American people are informed. Helen Thomas democracy believe people Congress, the White House and Hollywood, Wall Street are owned by the Zionists. Helen Thomas wall white house I respect the office of the presidency, but I never worship at the shrines of our public servants...The Washington press corps has the privilege of asking the president of the United States what he is doing and why. Helen Thomas privilege office president We are owned by propagandists against the Arabs. There's no question about that. Congress, the White House, and Hollywood, Wall Street, are owned by the Zionists. No question in my opinion. They put their money where their mouth is...We're being pushed into a wrong direction in every way. Helen Thomas wall racism white I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians. They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon. Helen Thomas regret party heart You didn't tell a lie, you just left a big hole in the truth. Helen Thomas holes truth lying Try to reject war and give peace a chance. Question the powers that be and find out why they make the dubious decisions they do that send young people to war. Helen Thomas giving war people This is the worst President ever. He [George W. Bush] is the worst President in all of American history. Helen Thomas usa president literature Everybody is in the pocket of the Israeli lobbies. Helen Thomas israeli pockets I think that presidents deserve to be questioned. Maybe irreverently, most of the time. Bring 'em down a size. You see a president, ask a question. You have one chance in the barrel. Don't blow it. Helen Thomas president blow thinking Presidential power was overruled by the high bench in July 1974, when President Nixon was ordered to turn over some audio tapes of his White House conversations, including the 'smoking gun' tape of June 23, 1972, that revealing the Watergate cover up. Helen Thomas gun june white If we care about the children, the grandchildren, the future generations, we need to make sure that they do not become the cannon fodder of the future. Helen Thomas generations children needs