I like the blues a lot. I grew up on it. Morgan Freeman More Quotes by Morgan Freeman More Quotes From Morgan Freeman I just wanted to be an actor. It's better to be well-rounded. Morgan Freeman wellsactorswanted People need to start to think about the messages that they send in the movies. Morgan Freeman peopleneedsthinking When I was growing up, I didn't see me in the movies except in certain lesser roles. If it wasn't funny, I wasn't there. Then Sidney Poitier came along, and he wasn't funny. He was just good. There's me. So that was my pattern. Morgan Freeman patternsgrowing-uproles I have a problem with writer/directors, personal. I can't work well with both of them on the set, if both of them are giving instructions. Writers tend to be in love with what they wrote. You can't always translate the words into the meaning, sometimes the meaning is better served without the words, difficult to make a writer to try to understand that. It gets, sometimes, tense. Morgan Freeman tryinggivingdirectors Dr. Martin Luther King is not a black hero. He is an American hero. Morgan Freeman blackkingshero When I was getting close to being accepted for pilot training, I was allowed to get in a jet airplane. I sat there looking at all those switches and dials and I got the distinct feeling that I was sitting in the nose of bomb. I realized my fantasies of flying and fighting were just that - fantasies. Morgan Freeman airplaneflyingfighting As the mask of deception falls off the face of humanity Morgan Freeman fightingwarfall What do I want to do? Acting wise? Well, there's a western that I want to do. There's a lot of producing that I want to do, projects that I have stacked up that are in my office that I'd like to get done. Morgan Freeman actingofficewise I'm also very fond of a light business jet, so I'd like to get it before it's too late. Morgan Freeman jetlighttoo-late The odds are lousy that I actually said something attributed to me. Morgan Freeman injurypainodds I'm not one who can write out a speech and remember all the names of the people that you need to thank because you need to thank all of those people. Morgan Freeman nameswritingpeople I'm easy going for the most part but sometimes in the morning if I didn't sleep well I can be kind of grumpy. But my grumpiness doesn't have that much to do with my dissatisfaction with my station in life. Morgan Freeman grumpinesssleepmorning Nelson Mandela was a man of incomparable honor, unconquerable strength, and unyielding resolve---a saint to many, a hero to all who treasure liberty, freedom and the dignity of humankind. Morgan Freeman honorheromen In growing up, I was a child of the movies. I went to the movies every given opportunity, and that's pretty much what has informed a lot of my choices. Morgan Freeman growing-upopportunitychildren Let me tell you what justice is. Justice is the law. And that man's feeble attempt to lay down the principles of deceny. Morgan Freeman lawjusticemen I really wanted to work with Luc Besson. I'm a big fan of his. Did you ever see 'The Professional.' It was very violent. But a fabulous story, a fabulous movie, very well done. So that and two or three other projects of his that I've seen, I just thought if I had a shot to work with him I wanted to do it. Morgan Freeman fansthreetwo Marketing only really works with word of mouth. Morgan Freeman word-of-mouthmarketingmouths In my career? Me. I'm the boss. I'm the end all and be all. I'm the alpha and omega in that. Morgan Freeman bosscareersends I think that we did a really good thing when we elected Barack Obama. I read his books. He is absolutely and totally qualified for the job. He's proven himself to be not only qualified for the job, but very good at it. The things that he's managed to get accomplished in the face of so much push-back is amazing, and I think - this is Morgan Freeman's personal thought - we're going to be in a lot of trouble if we don't reelect him, because the people on the other side of the fence scare me. Morgan Freeman jobsbookthinking The best way to confront, or deal with, technological innovation is to keep moving technologically. Morgan Freeman innovationwaymoving