I'm not going to drop out because they are recycling the unfounded accusation from nearly eight years ago, i did know her. I don't deny that. I deny an affair. Herman Cain More Quotes by Herman Cain More Quotes From Herman Cain The decision's going to be made basically on the facts. Herman Cain politics Because I ran as a Republican for president and the United States Senate, and because I am an outspoken voice of conservatism, an outspoken voice of the Constitution and the laws, I'm being attacked. Herman Cain politics Whether or not I make it through this process - Time will tell, would I be disappointed if I don't make it through this process? No. Would I be thrilled and honored if I make it through this process? Yes. That's the bottom line. Herman Cain politics They have to collect an inordinate amount of information on you, your background, your family, your friends, your animals, your pets, for the last 50 years. Herman Cain politics You better believe that the people who hate me, who do not like conservatism, Republicans, are already digging up all of the negative stuff that's in stories from eight years ago, so be it. Let them go back and dig up eight-year-old stuff. I will be able to explain it this time where they wouldn't let me explain it the last time. Herman Cain politics Editorializing for a rate cut as a presumptive nominee is unthinkable behavior. Herman Cain top-news He has hired several consultants in places like Iowa and South Carolina, but it is not as professional as the likes of (Jeb) Bush's campaign or Marco Rubio's, it seems that he has the type of campaign structure that is not going to get him too far. Herman Cain politics It seems that he has the type of campaign structure that is not going to get him too far, he really needs to have, not a national news presence, but a national organization made up of the types of human resources and personnel that a winning campaign needs. Herman Cain politics The one thing that the President can do is to establish a real energy independence plan. We have all the recources we need right here in this country to establish energy independence if we had the leadership. Herman Cain energy real leadership country A gold standard is to the moochers and looters in government what sunlight and garlic are to vampires. Herman Cain vampire government gold