I'm on the verge of suicide, so what's murder? Bushwick Bill More Quotes by Bushwick Bill More Quotes From Bushwick Bill I got dead bodies rotting in my Benz trunk. Trunk of funk, I call it. Bushwick Bill rotting law order This year Halloween fell on a weekend Me and Geto Boys are trick-or-treatin' Robbin' little kids for bags. Bushwick Bill halloween rap kids See driving is like stabbing someone, it's very personal. While flying is like shooting someone, it's more distant. Bushwick Bill shooting driving flying You don't want your kids to hear songs of this nature... Bushwick Bill rap song kids And I was like, stage 4 ? I have been getting tested for a mass but it was benign, so, I am like could it be cancer ? I was told it is mass with no purpose. So to find out, and pancreatic cancer is undetected until it's in the fourth or fifth stage. Bushwick Bill entertainment