I'm sorry," he says, "for that time I kissed you at that party and for that time at the wedding and more than anything for the thousand times that I wanted to and didn't have the guts to. Melina Marchetta More Quotes by Melina Marchetta More Quotes From Melina Marchetta Living is the challenge. Not dying. Dying is so easy. Sometimes it only takes ten seconds to die. But living? That can take you eighty years and you do something in that time. Melina Marchetta challengeslifeyears I would rather die than ever see you suffering this way. I don't want you or any child I ever have or any woman I ever love to go through or feel what you're going through, but it's happened and I don't know what to do. Melina Marchetta sufferingwantchildren What are you so sad about? We're going to know him for the rest of our lives. Melina Marchetta so-sadour-livesknows So between you and me," I tell Justine on the phone that night, "we're either bitchy or stupid." "Oh God," she moans. "Everyone thinks I'm an idiot." "Thanks! Melina Marchetta stupidnightthinking Her voice whispering love soothes him. They'd never done that before. Weren't that type of family. Except now he doesn't know what kind of family they are. What word is it that can define them? What would they call his family in the textbooks? Broken? He comes from a broken home. The Mackees can't be put back together again. There are too many pieces of them missing. Melina Marchetta together-againvoicehome Memory is a funny thing. It tricks you into believing that you've forgotten important moments, and then when you're raking your brain for a bit of information that might make sense of something else, it taps you on the head and says, "Remember when you told me to put that memory in the green rubbish bin? Well, I didn't, I put it in the black recycling tub, and it's coming your way again. Melina Marchetta funny-thingsmemoriesbelieve Back in Georgie's attic, he yanks the phone out of the socket and begins scrolling down the names under dialed calls, praying to anyone who will listen. God. Baby Jesus. Saint Thomas the doubter. Saint Whoever, patron saint of losers. Praying, Please, please, don't let it be true. The first name shatters him. The second makes his head spin. Melina Marchetta namesbabyjesus How unladylike of you to mention such a thing. Melina Marchetta The next night he asked Jonah if he could take $9.49 out of Jonah's secret stash that only Danny and his mum and Jack knew about. Jonah kept it in his sock drawer next to a photograph of Jonah and a girl with sad eyes, taken in one of those railway station photo booths. Melina Marchetta girleyetaken he knew that a part of his life was complete and that whatever path he chose, he would experience the ache of unfulfilled dreams. Melina Marchetta achepathdream And when you'd finished running you'd be thousands of miles away from people who love you and your problem would still be there except you'd have nobody to help you. Melina Marchetta love-yourunningpeople Whatever is now covered up will be uncovered and every secret will be made known. Melina Marchetta covered-upsecretmade Our bodies aren't strangers,' he said, his voice ragged. 'Our spirits aren't strangers'. He held her face in his hands. 'Tell me what part of me is stranger to you and I'll destroy that part of me.' And she wept to hear his words. Melina Marchetta voicebodyhands Do you love me?’ he asked instead. ‘Because if you don’t, I’d wait until you did. I’d wait weeks and months and years. Melina Marchetta monthswaitingyears A blind man can see what she feels for you and you for her. Your souls are not merely entwined; they are fused. Melina Marchetta blindsoulmen People aren’t interested in the truth, Dafar. They’re interested in what keeps them safe. They’re interested in being looked after. They’re interested in a tale being spun... Mighty men have moments of great despair that common people do not want to know about. Melina Marchetta despairmenpeople A clean house will result in peace in the Middle East as well. Melina Marchetta cleaneasthouse Froi heard Zabat's voice echo over and over again throughout the gorge. Wonderful. The gods had found a way of multiplying the idiot's voice. Melina Marchetta gorgesechoesvoice You're going to set us all on fire, you homicidal feral fruitcake. Melina Marchetta homicidalfruitcakefire Tom’s aunt Georgie spoke to me first, and Tom found me through her. At the time, I didn’t actually think Tom was a big enough character to carry a story. If it had to be anyone from Saving Francesca, I thought, it would be Will Trombal or Tara. But the line in Francesca, ‘I want to be the first male in the Mackee family to reach 40 and still have a liver’ stuck with me, and in the end, Tom has been one of the biggest surprises. I’m glad I didn’t kick him out of my head. Melina Marchetta auntcharacterthinking