I'm still my parent's child, I'm still me, but I made a choice. I evolved into Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. I think it has to do with evolution. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar More Quotes by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar More Quotes From Kareem Abdul-Jabbar I feel like I've always been a full-time historian, but nobody knows it. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar nobody-knowshistorianfeels This is what I would have done if I had to have a real job: I would have been a history teacher. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar realteacherjobs I was getting hot flashes and sweats on a regular basis. That's not normal, even for my age. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar hot-flashessweatbirthday More whites believe in ghosts than believe in racism. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar racismghostbelieve Yoga is somewhat hard to quantify in terms of benefits because you see them in all the injuries you don't get. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar injurybenefitsyoga The rivalry between the Lakers and Celtics endured for about eight years, and the interest grew each year. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar eightbasketballyears There are rap groups that have a positive outlook in their art. These groups should be shown as an alternative to gangsta rap. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar rapbasketballart We don't have selfish guys here, which sometimes leads to problems. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar selfishguybasketball What I learned in my time isn't necessarily being taught now, and I'd like to help impart that knowledge to a new generation of players. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar generationsbasketballplayer When a rap song glorifies violence, death and sadness and loss is inflicted because of the violence. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar rapbasketballsong When the line started to blur between the fans and the players, sometimes things can get ugly. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar fansbasketballplayer Your best athletes might give basketball a try just when they think, geez, this might be something that pays off for me in the end. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar basketballathletethinking I have been coaching recently. I coached high school basketball in Arizona, and I hope that more opportunities become available. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar basketballopportunityschool When the doctor told me I had cancer, I was scared. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar scaredcancerdoctors I was just starting out acting [doing "Airplane"] and wanted to be taken as a professional, not as an athlete doing a cameo. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar airplanetakenathlete The only reason is that I hadn't seen The Modern Jazz Quartet perform live and a live performance is often where the real experience of jazz takes place. I'm not familiar with the Boswell Sisters. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar jazzrealreason In January of 1969, after a meeting to discuss the leadership of UCLA's new Afro-American Program, [Alprentice "Bunchy" Carter and John Huggins, Jr.] were murdered on campus by a rival black nationalist group, the United Slaves Organization. This shook up all the students, black and white, and made us all realize that what we were doing wasn't just an academic exercise, but had repercussions in the real world. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar black-and-whiterealexercise But all was not sunshine and Marvin Gaye songs. [UCLA] also recruited black students as part of a High Potential Program that was meant to bring diversity to the campus. Two of the students that were part of that program were Alprentice "Bunchy" Carter and John Huggins, Jr., both members of the Black Panther Party's Southern California Chapter. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar sunshinepartysong For me, the bold jazz of John Coltrane and Miles Davis reflected the bold attitude in African-Americans finding their political identity and voice. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar politicalvoiceattitude Culture and politics were inseparable [in the Sixties], which gave a soundtrack to political awareness and activism. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar politicalawarenessculture