I may err but I am not a heretic, for the first has to do with the mind and the second with the will! Meister Eckhart More Quotes by Meister Eckhart More Quotes From Meister Eckhart If God gave the soul his whole creation she would not be filled thereby but only with himself. Meister Eckhart filledcreationsoul God is intelligence occupied with knowing itself. Meister Eckhart knowing I am what I wanted and I want what I am. Meister Eckhart wantwantedinspirational There is no stopping place in this life--nor is there ever one for any person, no matter how far along the way one's gone. Meister Eckhart stoppinggonelife The first measn by which He draws is affinity, that affinity which brings creatures of the same species together, and like to its like. With this cord of affinity He drew men to the Godhead, Whom He always resembles. In order that God may draw more to Himself, and forget His wrath. Meister Eckhart wrathmenorder If the seal is pressed completely through the wax so that no wax remains without being impressed by the seal, then it becomes indistinguishably one with the seal. Similarly the soul becomes completely united with God. Meister Eckhart remainsunitedsoul The authorities teach that next to the first emanation, which is the Son coming out of the Father, the angels are most like God. And it may well be true, for the soul at its highest is formed like God, but an angel gives a closer idea of Him. That is all an angel is: an idea of God. For this reason the angel was sent to the soul, so that the soul might be re-formed by it, to be the divine idea by which it was first conceived. Meister Eckhart angelfatherson Everything is full and pure at its source and precisely there, not outside. Meister Eckhart puresource Let God operate in thee; Hand the work over to Him and do not disquiet thyself as to whether or no He is working with nature or above nature, for His are both nature and grace. Meister Eckhart graceletting-gohands Though one should live through all the time from Adam and all the time to come before the judgment day doing good works, yet he who, energising in his highest, purest part, crosses from time to eternity, verily in the sight of God this man conceives and does far more than anyone who lives throughout all past and future time, because this now includes the whole of time. One master says that in crossing over time into the now each power of the soul will surpass itself. . . . Meister Eckhart sightmenpast No one is forgotten. It is a lie, any talk of God that does not comfort you. Meister Eckhart spiritualcomfortlying My children, mark me. I pray you. Know! God loves my soul so much that his very life and being depend upon his loving me, whether he would or no. To stop God loving me would be to rob him of his Godhood; for God is love no less than he is truth; as he is good, so is he love as well. It is the absolute truth, as God lives... If anyone would ask me what God is, I should answer: God is love, and so altogether lovely that creatures all with one accord essay to love his loveliness, whether they do so knowingly or unbeknownst, in joy or sorrow. Meister Eckhart souljoychildren Above thought is the intellect, which still seeks: it goes about looking, spies out here and there, picks up and drops. But above the intellect that seeks is another intellect which does not seek but stays in its pure, simple being, which is embraced in that light. Meister Eckhart spylightsimple God is the word that speaks itself. Meister Eckhart speak Only he to whom God is present in everything and who employs his reason in the highest degree and has enjoyment in it knows anything of true peace and has a real kingdom of heaven. Meister Eckhart realpeaceheaven Relation is the essence of everything that exists. Meister Eckhart communityessencerelation Love is the root of all joy and sorrow. Meister Eckhart rootslove-islife Remember this: all suffering comes to an end. And whatever you suffer authentically, God has suffered from it first. Meister Eckhart sufferingrememberfirsts I maintain that all sorrow comes from love of those things of which loss deprives me. Meister Eckhart sorrowloss By humility, out of an enemy He has made a friend, which is more than to have created a new earth. Meister Eckhart humilityearthenemy