I think in industries riddled with bias, you tend to hire women only if their previous work is very masculine, which is hilarious given that this is not how male directors are chosen. Lexi Alexander More Quotes by Lexi Alexander More Quotes From Lexi Alexander Young people should investigate where the filmmaker stands on the issue of file sharing, before they spend money on them at all. Lexi Alexander issuesshouldpeople Copying is not theft. Because when you steal something it means the other person doesn't have it anymore. Lexi Alexander copyingstealingmean I don't believe that less fortunate people should have to wait until a movie is released on public TV for free, while richer people get to see it months in advance. Lexi Alexander should-havebelievepeople I believe that we have a responsibility to make culture available for all people, not only those who can afford to go to the movies. Lexi Alexander responsibilitybelievepeople Many of my colleagues are blissfully unaware of the global percentage of people who cannot EVER go to a movie theater, let alone with an entire family. I do not want to make movies for the rich. Lexi Alexander richwantpeople My hope is that digital technology will level things out more and that it will eventually eliminate favoritism. But technology cannot do it alone. The audience has to become more discriminating as well and not buy into every big tentpole movie because they have been brainwashed into thinking that's the movie to see. Lexi Alexander levelstechnologythinking There's something not right with a person's soul when they judge another human being to be less adequate because of their gender or skin color. Lexi Alexander skinjudgegendersoul Maybe the biggest award show of the largest entertainment importer in the world needs an economic incentive to embrace diversity. Indeed, maybe we should boycott the show and pressure advertisers to do the same. Or maybe the Academy should learn the lesson of history and change because it's the right thing to do. Lexi Alexander awardchangehistoryworld I'm not someone who throws the towel in, although I think there are many times when I could have and should have thrown the towel in, and nobody would have thought any worse of me. Lexi Alexander nobodythoughtthinkme In my other work as a self-defense instructor, I have taught the importance of listening to one's gut instincts. Lexi Alexander self-defensetaughtlisteningwork Back-light is the cinematographer's friend. Lexi Alexander cinematographerfriend Everybody likes to drink a Coke once in a while; it's when we run out of everything else to drink and we're only left with Coke that we need to start worrying. Lexi Alexander needeverythingstartdrink Religion is all good, but we are almost back to medieval times now, where we are obsessed with going into religious wars and electing our politicians based on their religious statements. Lexi Alexander politiciansbackgoodreligion I am pretty sure when Kenneth Branagh came up for 'Thor,' nobody at Marvel thought, 'Yes, that Kenneth Branagh is masculine enough to do action: just look at 'Henry V' and 'The Magic Flute.'' Lexi Alexander nobodyi-amlookmagic In martial arts, for every attack, there is a counter you can throw. Somebody traps you, you can throw a hook. But there is no counter for bias. Lexi Alexander somebodyattackyoubias When I was nominated for an Oscar and seated next to Martin Scorsese, there was nothing in my mind that made me think, 'Hey, in three years maybe I'll make another remake of 'Punisher.'' Lexi Alexander nothingthinkmemind Until I was on Twitter, trust me: I was completely wiped off everybody's consciousness in Hollywood. Lexi Alexander metrust-metrusthollywood I swear, if anyone near me even so much as whispers the sentence 'Women probably don't want to direct,' my fist will fly as a reflex action. Lexi Alexander flymewomenaction I was nominated for a live-action short-film Academy Award in 2003. Lexi Alexander academy-awardnominatedawardacademy Bottom line - American history tells us that where there is a will, there will always be a way to achieve quick and fast inclusion. Lexi Alexander willachievehistoryway