I think major reorganisation is not something the government's about to do. Theresa May More Quotes by Theresa May More Quotes From Theresa May I want to announce the publication of the UK's combat air strategy, which confirms our commitment to maintaining our world-class air power capabilities. Theresa May business We will take back control of our borders, our laws and our money. But we will do so in a way that is good for business and good for our future prosperity. Theresa May business Theresa May told me I should sue the European Union, sue European Union. Not go into negotiations - sue them. Theresa May top-news The UK has a proud history of welcoming people who are fleeing persecution to our country, we have a proud history of welcoming people who want to come to our country to contribute to our economy and contribute to our society. Theresa May world Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK. Theresa May world We agreed today that as the UK leaves the European Union we will pursue an ambitious U.S.-UK free trade agreement, the Chequers agreement reached last week provides the platform for Donald and me to pursue an ambitious deal that works for both countries right across our economies. Theresa May top-news Mr. President, Sir Winston Churchill once said that 'to have the United States at our side was, to me, the greatest joy', the spirit of friendship and cooperation between our countries, our leaders and our people, that most special of relationships, has a long and proud history. Theresa May business As we prepare to leave the European Union, we have an unprecedented opportunity to do more, it's an opportunity to reach a free trade agreement that creates jobs and growth here in the UK and right across the United States. Theresa May top-news Mr President, Sir Winston Churchill once said that 'to have the United States at our side was, to me, the greatest joy', the spirit of friendship and co-operation between our countries, our leaders and our people, that most special of relationships, has a long and proud history. Now, for the benefit of all our people, let us work together to build a more prosperous future. Theresa May top-news Our trade and investment relationship is unrivalled – we are the largest investors in each other's economies, this week we have an opportunity to deepen this unique trading relationship and begin discussions about how we will forge a strengthened, ambitious and future-proof trade partnership. Theresa May world We will be deploying an additional 440 personnel to NATO's Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan and I think that shows when NATO calls, the UK is one of the first to step up. Theresa May top-news Our trade and investment relationship is unrivalled – we are the largest investors in each other's economies and every day a million British people go to work for U.S. companies in the UK and a million Americans go to work for UK companies in the U.S., this week we have an opportunity to deepen this unique trading relationship and begin discussions about how we will forge a strengthened, ambitious and future-proof trade partnership. Theresa May world There is no stronger alliance than that of our special relationship with the U.S. and there will be no alliance more important in the years ahead. Theresa May world In committing additional troops to the Train Advise Assist operation in Afghanistan we have underlined once again that when NATO calls the UK is among the first to answer, nATO is as vital today as it ever has been and our commitment to it remains steadfast. The Alliance can rely on the UK to lead by example. Theresa May world I'm looking forward to seeing President Trump... There's much for us to discuss, there are particular issues between the European Union and the United States because of the trade tariffs issue... we'll be talking positively about how we can continue to work together in our special relationship. Theresa May top-news In the two years since the referendum, we have had a spirited national debate, with robust views echoing around the cabinet table as they have on breakfast tables up and down the country, over that time, I've listened to every possible idea and every possible version of Brexit. Mr Speaker, this is the right Brexit. Theresa May top-news What we are proposing is challenging for the EU, it requires them to think again, to look beyond the positions they have taken so far and agree a new and fair balance of rights and obligations. Theresa May top-news This is not a betrayal ... I believe that is what people voted for when they voted to leave and we will deliver in faith with the British people. Theresa May top-news That is not something that this country voted for, it is not what the prime minister promised. Theresa May world We have a special and longstanding relationship with the United States and I think it is right -- there will be a range of issues I will be discussing with President Trump ... and I think it’s important that we make sure that when we see the president of the United States here in the United Kingdom we’re able to have those discussions. Theresa May politics