I took that as a sign of the Democrats’ interest in a race against the richest member of Congress. Nathan Gonzales More Quotes by Nathan Gonzales More Quotes From Nathan Gonzales I don't think this presidential race is going to be decided by money, the president's going to have plenty of money, and the Democratic nominee will have plenty of money. Nathan Gonzales top-news If that race completely turns around, everybody should take note. Nathan Gonzales politics We’re still in a wait-and-see period after the tape and second debate, until we see the numbers in competitive districts, I’m hesitant to make a profound declaration. Nathan Gonzales politics But if Rob Portman’s back in trouble, Republicans have more Trump problems on the horizon. Nathan Gonzales politics Trump is the shadow that has been cast over dozens of races in this county. the question is how dark will it be. Nathan Gonzales politics It’s a competitive race. Nathan Gonzales politics I been surprised that there haven’t been any Senate or House incumbents that have lost primaries as a result of a groundswell of support for Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. Nathan Gonzales politics Other candidates could try to replicate his message, but no one can replicate Donald Trump. Nathan Gonzales politics We’re not used to talking about California being an important state in the general or primary election -- particularly the Republican side in the primaries. But this year, every delegate matters, and California, which is sitting right at the end of the calendar on June 7, is a huge prize. Nathan Gonzales politics I think California is going to matter a lot. Nathan Gonzales politics He has a long way to go before being a contender and even a factor in the race, until Fetterman can prove that he can raise the money -- I just don't think enough people are going to know who he is, let alone decide whether he should become senator. Nathan Gonzales politics There is an ideological reason for running, but let's not separate that from a path to victory, primaries happen when multiple candidates see a good opportunity. Democrats have good opportunities in multiple states this cycle, specifically in Maryland. The Democratic nomination is incredibly valuable because Maryland is a Democratic state. Lots of candidates see paths to victory and think, 'Why not me? Why not now?'. Nathan Gonzales politics Crowded and expensive primaries do not prohibit general election victory, that doesn't mean that a party can't win. Nathan Gonzales politics