I trust Hillary Clinton as president and commander in chief, but the thought of Donald Trump as commander in chief scares me to death. Tim Kaine More Quotes by Tim Kaine More Quotes From Tim Kaine Here's what I learned as a mayor and a governor. The way you make communities safer and the way you make police safer is through community policing. You build the bonds between the community and the police force, build bonds of understanding, and then when people feel comfortable in their communities, that gap between the police and the communities they serve narrows. And when that gap narrows, it's safer for the communities and it's safer for the police. Tim Kaine community understanding people Did Donald Trump apologize for taking after somebody in a Twitter war and making fun of her weight? Did he apologize for saying African-Americans are living in Hell? Did he apologize for saying President Obama was not even a citizen of the United States? You will look in vain to see Donald Trump ever taking responsibility for anybody and apologizing. Tim Kaine responsibility fun war Immigration. There's two plans on the table. Hillary and I believe in comprehensive immigration reform. Donald Trump believes in deportation nation. You've got to pick your choice. Hillary and I want a bipartisan reform that will put keeping families together as the top goal, second, that will help focus enforcement efforts on those who are violent, third, that will do more border control, and, fourth, that will provide a path to citizenship for those who work hard, pay taxes, play by the rules, and take criminal background record checks. Tim Kaine hard-work goal believe Trump loves dictators. He's got kind of a personal Mount Rushmore, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Moammar Gadhafi and Saddam Hussein. And last and most dangerously, Donald Trump believes - Donald Trump believes that the world will be safer if more nations have nuclear weapons. Tim Kaine kind believe world Hillary and I will do immigration enforcement and we'll vet refugees based on whether they're dangerous or not. We won't do it based on discriminating against you from the country you come from or the religion that you practice. Tim Kaine dangerous immigration country The Trump campaign management team had to be fired a month or so ago because of those shadowy connections with pro-Putin forces. Governor Pence made the odd claim, he said inarguably Vladimir Putin is a better leader than President Obama. Vladimir Putin has run his economy into the ground. He persecutes LGBT folks and journalists. If you don't know the difference between dictatorship and leadership, then you got to go back to a fifth-grade civics class. Tim Kaine team leader running So get this. On 9/11, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump's hometown was attacked by the worst terrorist attack in the history of the United States. Young men and women - young men and women signed up to serve in the military to fight terrorism. Hillary Clinton went to Washington to get funds to rebuild her city and protect first responders, but Donald Trump was fighting a very different fight. It was a fight to avoid paying taxes so that he wouldn't support the fight against terror. Tim Kaine fighting military men We should let women make their own decisions. Tim Kaine decision I think we need to fight against Trumpism in the courts, we need to fight at the ballot box and online, and we need to do peaceful protesting. We need to use every lever at our disposal to make sure that the president doesn't hurt our country, our values, and our people. Tim Kaine fighting hurt country I am deeply worried about Donald Trump on matters of national security. He doesn't know anything himself about it, and he has appointed a national security adviser, Mike Flynn, who is a pro-Russia conspiracy theorist, and he's just put Steve Bannon, a guy with connections to white supremacy and antisemitism, onto the National Security Council. Tim Kaine russia guy white I am a lover, not a fighter. Tim Kaine fighter lovers One of the reasons people love Joe Biden is he just kind of says what he thinks. He's a guy whose heart is on his sleeve, and that's one of the things people love about him. Tim Kaine heart people thinking No bill works if it doesn't work in a zip code where somebody lives. Tim Kaine zips code bills I think there are a lot of opportunities in the Americas that matter deeply to 45 million Latinos in this country, and I would hope to be able to work to maybe elevate the profile of the Americas in our discussion about American global leadership. Tim Kaine opportunity country thinking Peace should be our future. Tim Kaine our-future should I don't think we can dignify documents dumped by Wikileaks and just assume that they're all accurate and true. Tim Kaine wikileaks assuming thinking Anybody who hacks into get documents is completely capable of manipulating them. Tim Kaine documents capable hacks Hillary Clinton's position on policy on markets and trade is very plain, which is we'll do trade deals but only if they meet three criteria, increase American jobs and wages and are they good for national security. If they are and if we can enforce them, then trade deals are okay. If not, we can't embrace them. Tim Kaine wages three jobs When Hillary Clinton was a U.S. senator, she voted for some trade deals when they met her standards, but she voted against others when they didn't. Tim Kaine mets standards clinton I am proud of Hillary Clinton because she has been and is a great history maker - in everything she has done. Tim Kaine clinton proud done