I've always been intrigued by the supernatural. Leslie Mann More Quotes by Leslie Mann More Quotes From Leslie Mann Perfect people are the scariest people to me. Leslie Mann perfectpeople Thank God I didn't put my career over family. That would have been the biggest mistake of my life. I'm really happy it went the way it did. Leslie Mann thank-godcareersmistake I bring a poofy gray down jacket with me wherever I go. It's meant for winter, but I use it most in the summer, when everyone cranks up the air-conditioning. Leslie Mann airsummerwinter Written by a woman automatically is better. Leslie Mann written Everything is a struggle. Everything is relative, too, so I still feel like I'm struggling, in many aspects. I'm not worried about paying my rent next month, but in about two months, we'll see. Leslie Mann nextstruggletwo Women love hairy men. Cavemen were the sexiest men in history. Leslie Mann sexiestcavemenmen I like more grounded comedy. I enjoy broad comedies also, but I like Shirley MacLaine. Leslie Mann broadscomedyenjoy When I was 9, my parents let me take a cab to the mall all by myself. I had hardly any money to spend, but I did have a very specific list of things I wanted to do: buy cookies and sit on the furniture at Sears. Leslie Mann cookieslistsparent I'm pretty much game for anything. Leslie Mann games When I started auditioning, I'd take any audition I could get. The more dramatic ones didn't go as well as the comedic. Leslie Mann comedicdramaticauditions I observe a lot of you drunk people. What I do is I just let myself go there and fully commit to that drunk thing, not that I've ever done that myself. I've had a lot of practice. Let's be honest. Leslie Mann drunkpracticepeople I guess Judd (Apatow) is my soul mate because we have a lot of hard times, and it's great at times, too. Leslie Mann mateshard-timessoul We discovered that we have a fun chemistry physically. Cameron [Diaz] has really long legs and a short torso, and I have a really long torso and shorter legs. Leslie Mann legsfunlong I think we're different, but we are very similar in a lot of ways, and we really complement each other in real life and on screen. Cameron [Diaz], for me, is like the teacher. And Kate's [Uptone] like my daughter. She's only five years older than my daughter, and so, I always wanted to protect her. Leslie Mann daughterrealteacher When I was in acting class, we did a lot of really serious scenes, and we didn't do comedic scenes. I felt like doing those scenes, it didn't come out of my mouth the right way. I don't know if it's because my voice is different, or what it is about me, but it just seemed a little off. Leslie Mann voiceactingclass Comedy is hard to do, and I don't know why it doesn't have its own category in awards. I don't understand why people think it's harder to do drama than it is to do comedy. It doesn't get respect. It's hard. It's really hard. It would be more gratifying to get something for a comedy, because it doesn't happen much or at all. Leslie Mann awardsdramathinking I think that at the time, when I was first pregnant, it was hard to make the transition from being totally self-involved to not being able to think about myself at all. At the end of the day, I think that's the best thing that someone can go through. I think it makes you a better person. It doesn't mean that people who don't go through that aren't good people. For me, it was a good thing. Leslie Mann selfmeanthinking What I loved about [The Other Woman] movie was the same thing. It was three women who would never have come together for any other reason except that they had something in common which was this common cause, and that's really the feeling that I wanted this movie to have. It was a huge influence for it. Leslie Mann causestogetherfeelings Nine to Five is actually one of my favorite movies. I watched it a thousand times when I was a child, literally a thousand times. Leslie Mann my-favoriteninechildren There's nothing in [The Other Woman] movie that feels like an R to us. Leslie Mann feels