I've always tried to be nice to people, so that sort of translates into popularity, I guess. Andy Richter More Quotes by Andy Richter More Quotes From Andy Richter I think the people that are best at something, they don't think about it much. That's the whole key to being good at anything. Andy Richter keyspeoplethinking One of the big tensions in my life is that I have known the stresses of financial hardship since I was a little kid, and it is the cancer for which I am seeking a cure. Andy Richter cancerstresskids I'm not that professional. Andy Richter Outside from with my older brother - and this would have stopped about age 12 - I haven't been in a physical fight in my life. We used to punch each other, but that was little kid punching. You're too scared to hit anybody really. Andy Richter fightingbrotherkids There are naked people in boots on a mountain top firing guns. Andy Richter hikinggunpeople Well, I refer to Celebrity Jeopardy as the short-bus Jeopardy, because it is a lot easier. Like, there was a whole column basically naming stores in New York. Andy Richter columnseasiernew-york It's funny, because Arrested Development is tied to Andy Richter in a few different ways. For me personally, after I did Andy Richter, one of the next things I did was a show called Quintuplets for a season for Fox, and this was while Arrested Development was on. I used to go over and hang out on their set. Andy Richter differentdevelopmentway I remember Ozzy Osbourne making a fuss on The Osbournes - people were making a big deal about him taking the garbage out, and he said, "Well, who else is going to do it?" The garbage is full, and you're standing right there. You're still a human being who is going to make yourself a sandwich. Andy Richter rememberpeople If somebody's looking at pictures of naked people and you go, 'Oh I don't want to see that,' you're lying. Cause naked people are always interesting. Always. Whether they're beautiful, or naked or 500 pounds. Andy Richter beautifullyingpeople I briefly considered doing Edgar Allan Poe and just swearing a lot. Andy Richter allan-poeswearing At a very basic level, I think television exists for game shows, and I think it always will. Andy Richter gamestelevisionthinking I always find it kind of more interesting when people ask questions like, "What were you like as a kid?" Or just kind of personal history stuff, like, "What was the lowest point of your life?" Because that would be like, "Huh, well, I'd have to think about that one." And then give an honest answer. I think a lot of people don't want to give honest answers, or they just are in business showbiz mode when they're talking about stuff, so that's probably why a lot of that kind of thing doesn't get asked. Andy Richter kidspeoplethinking I wouldn't want to be a talk show host. That's another awkward compliment people make. 'You should have your own talk show.' And I think, no thank you. Andy Richter should-havethank-youthinking I watch mediocre shows that have been on for three or four seasons, and feel angry at them. Andy Richter four-seasonsthreewatches I was prom king. Which is actually saying I was the sixth most popular, because the five who were on homecoming were automatically disqualified from prom, so of course I have to look at it that way. Andy Richter kingslooksway Aside from accidentally by my kids, like wrestling around with my kids, no one has ever punched me in the face. Andy Richter faceswrestlingkids Anything that I read, I read because I'm interested in it. Andy Richter But I don't read a lot of fiction. I prefer the nonfiction stuff. Andy Richter nonfictionstufffiction The people on Quintuplets were great, but I wasn't a producer on that show, and it wasn't exactly my taste. Andy Richter producerstastepeople When I would work freelance in production in Chicago, there were a lot of times when I was working for cheap, bad people, and I was working for slave wages anyway, so there were some times when I might have filled out a couple of blank taxi receipts and kept some petty cash. But like I say, I was very selective. It was only people that I thought were assholes. The people that I liked I went far and above saving them money, much less taking it. But that's it. I'm pretty moral. I don't even like stealing jokes. Andy Richter moralcouplepeople