I will not stand by silently when their integrity is unfairly attacked. Merrick Garland More Quotes by Merrick Garland More Quotes From Merrick Garland No person is above the law in this country. Merrick Garland The Justice Department fully recognizes the threat that white supremacist violence poses to the safety of the American people and American democracy, we will continue to be relentless in our efforts to combat hate crimes, to support the communities terrorized by them, and to hold accountable those who perpetrate them. Merrick Garland There is no hiding place for war criminals. Justice Department will pursue every avenue of accountability for those who commit war crimes and other atrocities in Ukraine, working alongside our domestic and international partners, Justice Department will be relentless in our efforts to hold accountable every person complicit in the commission of war crimes, torture, and other grave violations during the unprovoked conflict in Ukraine. Merrick Garland In some circumstances, a respondent’s mental health condition may indicate that the respondent does not pose a danger to the community, of course, an individual may pose a danger to the community notwithstanding a mental health condition, and in those cases, the ‘ particularly serious crime ’ bar to asylum and withholding of removal may apply. Merrick Garland No one in this country should have to live in fear that they will go to work or shop at a grocery store and will be attacked by someone who hates them because of the color of their skin. Merrick Garland I am watching, and I will be watching all the hearings, although I may not be able to watch all of it live, but I will be sure that I am watching all of it. And I can assure you that the January 6 prosecutors are watching all of the hearings as well. Merrick Garland We will follow the facts wherever they lead. Merrick Garland Because these projects bring environmental and public health benefits to the communities most directly affected by the underlying violations, they are particularly powerful tools for advancing environmental justice. Merrick Garland Absolutely not. And Hunter Biden father has not done that. And Hunter Biden father is committed not to interfere, not only in that investigation but any other kind of investigation. Merrick Garland He is supervising the investigation and I'm not at liberty to talk about internal Justice Department deliberations, but he is in charge of that investigation, there will not be interference of any political or improper kind. Merrick Garland The government -- we would support legislation that would allow some of that money to go directly to Ukraine, that's not the current circumstance with respect to the fund. Merrick Garland The only pressure I feel, and the only pressure that our line prosecutors feel, is to do the right thing. That means we follow the facts and the law, wherever they may lead. Merrick Garland We follow the facts and the law wherever they lead, and that's all I can say about the investigation, the best way to undermine an investigation is to say things out of court about how they're going. Merrick Garland To do that would undermine an element of the rule of law, which is that we treat like cases alike without regard to the subject matter. Merrick Garland What we will avoid and what we must avoid is any partisan element of our decision making about cases, that is what I am intent on ensuring, that the department's decisions are made on the merits, and they're made on the facts and the law. And they're not based on any kind of partisan considerations. Merrick Garland Justice Department remains committed to holding all January 6th perpetrators, at any level, accountable under law. Merrick Garland There will be people from the Democratic Party who disagree with my determinations and there will be people from the Republican Party who will disagree with my determinations, that comes with the territory. Merrick Garland We will leave no stone unturned in our efforts to investigate, arrest, and prosecute those whose criminal acts enable the Russian government to continue this unjust war. Merrick Garland We will not tolerate this. We will not tolerate attacks on synagogues or other houses of worship. We will not tolerate violence or threats of violence fueled by antisemitism, hatred, racism, or bigotry of any kind. Merrick Garland Peacefully expressing a view or ideology, no matter how most vociferously or how extreme is protected by the First Amendment but illegally threatening to harm or kill another person is not, there is no First Amendment right to unlawfully threaten to harm or kill someone. Merrick Garland