If I win, I would have a vice president and they could be president very quickly. Lawrence Lessig More Quotes by Lawrence Lessig More Quotes From Lawrence Lessig At the core of our democracy, there is a basic inequality, not the inequality of wealth, though that is a problem, or the inequality of speech, though some think that a problem too, but the inequality of citizens. Lawrence Lessig politics Yet though every major candidate in the Democratic primary for president has acknowledged this corruption, so far every one of them just puts it to one side. Lawrence Lessig politics Seems to be the year for that. Lawrence Lessig politics The system is rigged, unless we fix this issue, we can't do anything else. You want climate change legislation? You want to take on Wall Street? How are you going to take on Wall Street when the biggest contributions come from Wall Street? Lawrence Lessig politics The biggest challenge is to make it seem plausible and that is going to take a lot of work, it is going to take excitement and people contributing and joining. It is going to mean getting large enough name recognition so you can get in the debates. Lawrence Lessig politics People who stand strongly for the values that the Democratic Party is increasingly articulating, it is exciting to give up the new Democrats of the 1990s. Lawrence Lessig politics We have to put this issue on the table because the politicians won't talk about it otherwise, what has happened is that this concentration of influence has made it impossible for the government to actually function for either issues on the right or on the left. It is corruption, because the framers intended for our government, as Madison put it, to be dependent on the people alone. We have a system where these members of Congress spend 30-70% of their time raising money from the tiniest fraction of the 1 percent. Lawrence Lessig politics If 50,000 voters in New Hampshire made this a central issue, then presidential campaigns would begin to notice that the difference between winning and losing in New Hampshire will turn on where they stand on this issue, if we can achieve that in New Hampshire then there is a possibility that this will spread around the country as well. Lawrence Lessig politics As we've seen, our constitutional system requires limits on copyright as a way to assure that copyright holders do not too heavily influence the development and distribution of our culture. Lawrence Lessig influence limits culture way The real harm of term extension comes not from these famous works. The real harm is to the works that are not famous, not commercially exploited, and no longer available as a result. Lawrence Lessig famous result harm real