If my critics saw me walking over the Thames they would say it was because I couldn't swim. Margaret Thatcher More Quotes by Margaret Thatcher More Quotes From Margaret Thatcher If I were a German today, I would be proud, proud but also worried. I would be proud of the magnificent achievement of rebuilding my country, entrenching democracy and assuming the undoubtedly preponderant position in Europe. But a united Germany can't and won't subordinate its national interests in economic or in foreign policy to those of the Community indefinitely. Germany's new pre-eminence is a fact - and its power is a problem - as much for Germans as for the rest of Europe. Margaret Thatcher achievementeuropecountry [On George H.W. Bush:] By 1990 I had learned that I had to defer to him in conversation and not to stint the praise. If that was what was necessary to secure Britain's interests and influence, I had no hesitation in eating a little humble pie. Margaret Thatcher piehumblelittles Wars are not caused by the buildup of weapons. They are caused when an aggressor believes he can achieve his objectives at an acceptable price. Margaret Thatcher weaponswarbelieve But because we accept the sanctity of life, the responsibility that comes with freedom and the supreme sacrifice of Christ expressed so well in the hymn: 'When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of Glory died. My richest gain I count but loss and pour contempt on all my pride.' Margaret Thatcher sacrificeresponsibilityloss Let's make it clear: the Conservative Party has no plans for new NHS charges. Margaret Thatcher nhsconservativeparty I applaud strong government, but not overweening government sustained by cronies, ciphers and a personality cult. Margaret Thatcher governmentstrongpersonality You can't lead from the crowd. Margaret Thatcher crowds Isn't a policy of conventional weapons, with the terrible bombs raining down, with the missiles, with the aircraft, with the submarines, with the torpedoes, with the tanks, with chemical weapons - isn't that based on the possibility of threat? Margaret Thatcher tanksrainwar Let our children grow tall and some taller than others if they have it in them to do so. Margaret Thatcher growsifschildren I'm happy as a dog with two dicks Margaret Thatcher dogtwo If it's me against 48, I feel sorry for the 48. Margaret Thatcher ifssorryfeels Under a Labour government, there's virtually nowhere you can put your savings where they would be safe from the state. ... If you put money in a sock they'd probably nationalize socks. Margaret Thatcher savinggovernmentwould-be Let us never forget this fundamental truth: The State has no source of money other than the money people themselves earn. Margaret Thatcher never-forgetfundamentalspeople Socialism is in no way a curate's egg Margaret Thatcher socialismeggsway The messages on our banners in 1979 - freedom, opportunity, family, enterprise, ownership - are now inscribed on the banners in Leipzig, Warsaw, Budapest and even Moscow. Margaret Thatcher moscowopportunitywar You can't buck the market. Margaret Thatcher bucks I don't think any woman in power really has a happy life unless she's got a large number of women friends ... because you sometimes must go and sit down and let down your hair with someone you can trust totally. Margaret Thatcher friendshappy-lifethinking We introduced the Community Charge. I still call it that. I like the Poles - I never had any intention of taxing them. Margaret Thatcher intentioncommunitystills I shall fight on, I shall fight to win. Margaret Thatcher powerfulfightingwinning The Prime Minister is stealing our clothes but he is going to look pretty ridiculous walking around in mine. Margaret Thatcher ridiculousclotheslooks