If these walls could talk, I wonder what secrets they'd tell. Gayle Forman More Quotes by Gayle Forman More Quotes From Gayle Forman So are you moving on now? Is that what brought you to the grand metropolis of Valladolid?” “No. The wind just blew me here.” “What? Like a plastic bag?” “I prefer to think of myself as a ship. Like a sailboat. Gayle Forman wind moving thinking Saba used to say there was a difference between bravery and courage. Bravery was doing something dangerous without thinking. Courage was walking into danger, knowing full well the risks. Gayle Forman differences knowing thinking Because you don’t ever find things when you’re looking for them. You find them when you’re not.” “If that were true, nobody would ever find their keys. Gayle Forman keys ifs By that point, it’ll have been more than year since I met Lulu. Any sane person would say it’s too late. It already felt too late that first day, when I woke up in the hospital. But even so, I’ve kept looking. I’m still looking. Gayle Forman too-late years firsts If I felt like a fish out of water in my family, I felt like a fish on Mars in Adam’s circle. Gayle Forman mars circles water Because for that day, I really did become Lulu. Maybe not from the film or the real Louise Brooks, but my own idea of what Lulu represented. Freedom. Daring. Adventure. Saying yes. Gayle Forman real adventure ideas I think everything is happening all the time, but if you don't put yourself in the path of it, you miss it. When you travel, you put yourself out there. It's not always great. Sometimes it's terrible. But other times ... [...] It's not so bad. Gayle Forman path missing thinking Willem, I suspect deep down you know exactly why you're here, exactly what you want, but you're unwilling to the wanting, let alone the having. Because both of those propositions are terrifying. Gayle Forman propositions knows want I realize it’s not just Willem I’m looking for; it’s Lulu too. Gayle Forman realizing Nothing happens without intention, Willem. Nothing. This theory of yours - life is rules by accidents - isn't that just one huge excuse for passivity? Gayle Forman intention excuse life-is Can you move on from something when you're not sure what it is you're moving on from? Gayle Forman not-sure moving Dear Willem: I’ve been trying to forget about you and our day in Paris for nine months now, but as you can see, it’s not going all that well. I guess more than anything, I want to know, did you just leave? If you did, it’s okay. I mean it’s not, but if I can know the truth, I can get over it. And if you didn’t leave, I don’t know what to say. Except I’m sorry that I did. I don’t know what your response will be at getting this letter, like a ghost from your past. But no matter what happened, I hope you’re okay. Gayle Forman sorry mean past ...no way through it but through it," I tell myself. Gayle Forman way I don't know how to be a friend. I don't know how to be anything. Gayle Forman know-how knows Okay, maybe this was the meant to be: the universe I knew, loved nothing more than balance. Gayle Forman okay balance universe There were signs. Probably more of them than I ever caught, even after the fact. But I missed them all. Maybe because I wasn’t looking for them. I was too busy checking over my shoulder at the fire I’d just come through to pay much attention to the thousand-foot cliff looming in front of me. Gayle Forman fire feet attention It takes certain kind of naiveté, or perhaps just stupidity, to know things will end and still hope otherwise. Gayle Forman stupidity kind ends Once the options increase, settling on one becomes harder. Gayle Forman settling harder increase I'll let you go. If you stay. Gayle Forman letting-you-go ifs Closure. I loathe that word. Gayle Forman loathe closure