If you do not know what you're doing stacked on his desk, a dozen colleagues Initially sticks with a large number of papers and pass them. In case of doubt, the way in. Malcolm Forbes More Quotes by Malcolm Forbes More Quotes From Malcolm Forbes Accepting blame when it's not really due sometimes makes the point better. Malcolm Forbes blame accepting sometimes If I owned any of these Hot New Issues that have doubled, tripled, quintupled or umptupled within days and in some cases hours after they were issued, I most certainly would grab my fabulous windfall, thank my lucky stars and invest the money. It's utter nonsense to think any newly issued stock is really worth two, ten or 20 times the [offering] price.... A management so stupid as to sell shares [cheap], and an underwriter so obtuse as not to discern the real value, together would provide reason enough for a sensible man to get rid of his shares. Malcolm Forbes stars real stupid It's never too late to learn. Malcolm Forbes words-of-wisdom business too-late How to get taken: Spend most of your time making sure you're not. Malcolm Forbes taken When one seeks assurance, there's none from those who respond, Now, don't you worry about a thing. If you weren't worried, you wouldn't have asked. If you are concerned, it's nice to know that those you query are, too. I'll take a worrier any day over a platitudinous reassurer. Malcolm Forbes worried nice worry Clout is something some seem to have-until they try exercising it. Malcolm Forbes power exercise trying A lot of money doesn't make anyone more often right. It just makes him harder to correct. Malcolm Forbes lots-of-money harder money Economists' unanimity that bad business is ahead is the most reassuring news possible. It's very unlikely that this will be the one time they're right. Malcolm Forbes reassuring news business SM is an abbreviation of both stock market and sadomasochism-- and there are those who think they are one and the same. Malcolm Forbes sms abbreviations thinking It's never a good deal when only one party thinks it is. Malcolm Forbes deals party thinking Meaningful truths are never newly discovered; they're just uncovered anew. Malcolm Forbes discovery meaningful When those with ability at their job get to thinking they can't be done without, they're already on their way out. Malcolm Forbes work jobs thinking If you want understanding try giving some. Malcolm Forbes understanding trying giving It is never too late to learn. Malcolm Forbes never-too-late late too-late Over the years, I've evolved a somewhat heretical but time-and mind-saving approach to books, articles, editorials that deal with weighty matters. More often than not, by beginning at the end and contemplating the conclusions, one can determine if it's worth going through the whole to get there. Malcolm Forbes mind book years If you can read and don't, you're dumb. Malcolm Forbes dumb reading ifs It doesn't take much of a rule to measure a mean man. Malcolm Forbes anger men mean Listening to advice often accomplishes far more than heeding it. Malcolm Forbes accomplish listening advice At today's prices for medicines, doctors and hospitals-if the latter are available at any price-only millionaires can afford to be hurt or sick and pay for it. Very few people want socialized medicine in the U.S. But pressure for it is going to appear with the same hurricane force as the demand for pollution control if the medicine men and hospital operators don't take soon some Draconian measures... At the present rate of doctor fees and hospital costs under Medicare and Medicaid plans [taxpayers] are shovelling in billions with nothing but escalation in sight. Malcolm Forbes doctors hurt men Are you not justified in feeling inferior, when you seek to cover it up with arrogance and insolence? Malcolm Forbes justified arrogance feelings