It is a shame when nonsense can substitute for fact with impunity. Lawrence M. Krauss More Quotes by Lawrence M. Krauss More Quotes From Lawrence M. Krauss You couldn't be here if stars hadn't exploded, because the elements - the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution - weren't created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and the only way they could get into your body is if the stars were kind enough to explode. So, forget Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today. Lawrence M. Krauss oxygen stars jesus The lack of understanding of something is not evidence for God. It's evidence of a lack of understanding. Lawrence M. Krauss atheism understanding religion A universe without purpose should neither depress us nor suggest that our lives are purposeless. Through an awe-inspiring cosmic history we find ourselves on this remote planet in a remote corner of the universe, endowed with intelligence and self-awareness. We should not despair, but should humbly rejoice in making the most of these gifts, and celebrate our brief moment in the sun. Lawrence M. Krauss depressing self humble The one experience that I hope every student has at some point in their lives is to have some belief you profoundly, deeply hold, proved to be wrong because that is the most eye-opening experience you can have, and as a scientist, to me, is the most exciting experience I can ever have. Lawrence M. Krauss eye hope faith Without science, everything is a miracle. Lawrence M. Krauss miracle In 5 billion years, the expansion of the universe will have progressed to the point where all other galaxies will have receded beyond detection. Indeed, they will be receding faster than the speed of light, so detection will be impossible. Future civilizations will discover science and all its laws, and never know about other galaxies or the cosmic background radiation. They will inevitably come to the wrong conclusion about the universe......We live in a special time, the only time, where we can observationally verify that we live in a special time. Lawrence M. Krauss light law years Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics: you are all stardust. Lawrence M. Krauss stars healing hands The purpose of education is not to validate ignorance but to overcome it. Lawrence M. Krauss purpose ignorance overcoming If we wish to draw philosophical conclusions about our own existence, our significance, and the significance of the universe itself, our conclusions should be based on empirical knowledge. A truly open mind means forcing our imaginations to conform to the evidence of reality, and not vice versa, whether or not we like the implications. Lawrence M. Krauss philosophical mean reality As a scientist, I don't believe anything. Science shouldn't use the word belief. There are things more likely and less likely. Science can say nothing with absolute certainty. Lawrence M. Krauss use faith believe Science has been effective at furthering our understanding of nature because the scientific ethos is based on three key principles: (1) follow the evidence wherever it leads; (2) if one has a theory, one needs to be willing to try to prove it wrong as much as one tries to prove that it is right; (3) the ultimate arbiter of truth is experiment, not the comfort one derives from one's a priori beliefs, nor the beauty or elegance one ascribes to one's theoretical models. Lawrence M. Krauss ethos common-sense keys [The writers of the holy books] did not even know the earth revolves around the sun. Why are we listening? Lawrence M. Krauss listening book religion The universe is the way it is , whether we like Lawrence M. Krauss independent purpose desire A truly open mind means forcing our imaginations to conform to the evidence of reality, and not vice versa. Lawrence M. Krauss imagination mean reality Forget Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today. Lawrence M. Krauss stars atheist jesus Philosophy used to be a field that had content, but then natural philosophy became physics, and physics has only continued to make inroads. Every time theres a leap in physics, it encroaches on these areas that philosophers have carefully sequestered away to themselves, and so then you have this natural resentment on the part of philosophers. Lawrence M. Krauss resentment fields philosophy Celebrate our brief moment in the sun Lawrence M. Krauss celebrate moments sun Discerning the merits of competing claims is where the empirical basis of science should play a role. I cannot stress often enough that what science is all about is not proving things to be true but proving them to be false. What fails the test of empirical reality, as determined by observation and experiment, gets thrown out like yesterday's newspaper. Lawrence M. Krauss stress play reality The fact is that people would rather cling when they're afraid of something to a priori beliefs than rather open their minds about it. Lawrence M. Krauss mind facts people Nothing can create something all the time due to the laws of quantum mechanics, and it's - it's fascinatingly interesting. Lawrence M. Krauss mechanic law interesting