...it is a sneaking piece of cowardice for authors to put feigned names to their works, as if, like bastards of their brain, they were afraid to own them. Desiderius Erasmus More Quotes by Desiderius Erasmus More Quotes From Desiderius Erasmus Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself. Desiderius Erasmus light-life uplifting inspirational Read first the best books. The important thing for you is not how much you know, but the quality of what you know. Desiderius Erasmus quality important book He who allows oppression shares the crime. Desiderius Erasmus perseverance democracy freedom Sacred scripture is of course the basic authority for everything; yet I sometimes run across ancient sayings or pagan writings - even the poets - so purely and reverently and admirably expressed that I can't help believing the author's hearts were moved by some divine power. And perhaps the spirit of Christ is more widespread than we understand, and the company of the saints includes many not on our calendar. Desiderius Erasmus writing running believe I put up with this church, in the hope that one day it will become better, just as it is constrained to put up with me in the hope that I will become better. Desiderius Erasmus one-day church Eagles don't catch flies. Desiderius Erasmus eagles strength A nail is driven out by another nail. Habit is overcome by habit. Desiderius Erasmus nails wisdom overcoming By a Carpenter mankind was made, and only by that Carpenter can mankind be remade. Desiderius Erasmus jesus-christ mankind made There are some whose only reason for inciting war is to use it as a means to exercise their tyranny over their subjects more easily. For in times of peace the authority of the assembly, the dignity of the magistrates, the force of the laws stand in the way to some extent of the ruler doing what he likes. But once war is declared then the whole business of state is subject to the will of a few ... They demand as much money as they like. Why say more? Desiderius Erasmus exercise war mean Picture the prince, such as most of them are today: a man ignorant of the law, well-nigh an enemy to his people's advantage, while intent on his personal convenience, a dedicated voluptuary, a hater of learning, freedom and truth, without a thought for the interests of his country, and measuring everything in terms of his own profit and desires. Desiderius Erasmus law men country He who doesn't sin, is the greatest sinner of all. Desiderius Erasmus sin wisdom wise Our determination to imitiate Christ should be such that we have no time for other matters. Desiderius Erasmus persistence determination time It is the chiefest point of happiness that a man is willing to be what he is. Desiderius Erasmus being-yourself positive happiness For them it's out-of-date and outmoded to perform miracles; teaching the people is too like hard work, interpreting the holy scriptures is for schoolmen and praying is a waste of time; to shed tears is weak and womanish, to be needy is degrading; to suffer defeat is a disgrace and hardly fitting for one who scarcely permits the greatest of kings to kiss the toes of his sacred feet; and finally, death is an unattractive prospect, and dying on a cross would be an ignominious end. Desiderius Erasmus hard-work teaching kings Nothing is as peevish and pedantic as men's judgments of one another. Desiderius Erasmus pedants criticism men In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. Desiderius Erasmus wisdom kings men The majority of the common people loathe war and pray for peace; only a handful of individuals, whose evil joys depend on general misery, desire war. Desiderius Erasmus evil war people The main hope of a nation lies in the proper education of its youth Desiderius Erasmus wisdom education lying At last concluded that no creature was more miserable than man, for that all other creatures are content with those bounds that nature set them, only man endeavors to exceed them. Desiderius Erasmus miserable lasts men Concealed talent brings no reputation. Desiderius Erasmus concealed reputation talent