It is never good dwelling on good-byes ... it is not the being together that it prolongs, it is the parting. Elizabeth Bibesco More Quotes by Elizabeth Bibesco More Quotes From Elizabeth Bibesco Blessed are those who give without remembering and take without forgetting. Elizabeth Bibesco thank-you positive inspirational The image of ourselves in the minds of others is the picture of a stranger we shall never see. Elizabeth Bibesco stranger mind Seeing through is rarely seeing into. Elizabeth Bibesco seeing You don't have to signal a social conscience by looking like a frump. Lace knickers won't hasten the holocaust, you can ban the bomb in a feather boa just as well as without, and a mild interest in the length of hemlines doesn't necessarily disqualify you from reading Das Kapital and agreeing with every word. Elizabeth Bibesco holocaust feminist reading Happiness is the moment when you cease to make an inventory of joys; it is a glow, a brightness - never a list. Elizabeth Bibesco inventory joy happiness Talk about the joys of the unexpected, can they compare with the joys of the expected, of finding everything delightfully and completely what you knew it was going to be? Elizabeth Bibesco compare unexpected joy To others we are not ourselves but a performer in their lives cast for a part we do not even know that we are playing. Elizabeth Bibesco casts performers friendship My soul has gained the freedom of the night Elizabeth Bibesco my-soul soul night Irony is the hygiene of the mind. Elizabeth Bibesco hygiene irony mind Endurance is frequently a form of indecision. Elizabeth Bibesco endurance indecision form The Ten Commandments don't tell you what you ought to do: They only put ideas into your head. Elizabeth Bibesco ten-commandments ideas religion Perfect moments don't turn into half-hours. Elizabeth Bibesco moments half perfect To some people the impossible is impossible. Elizabeth Bibesco impossible people Of what help is anyone who can only be approached with the right words? Elizabeth Bibesco right-words helping What we buy belongs to us only when the price is forgotten. Elizabeth Bibesco forgotten Reticences are as revealing as avowals. Elizabeth Bibesco reticence revealing silence He is invariably in a hurry being in a hurry is one of the tributes he pays to life. Elizabeth Bibesco tribute haste pay It is sometimes the man who opens the door who is the last to enter the room. Elizabeth Bibesco lasts doors men We learn nothing by being right. Elizabeth Bibesco Entertaining is one method of avoiding people. It is very often the negation of hospitality. Elizabeth Bibesco hospitality method people