It is no marvel that the devil does not love field preaching! Neither do I; I love a commodious room, a soft cushion, a handsome pulpit. But where is my zeal if I do not trample all these underfoot in order to save one more soul? John Wesley More Quotes by John Wesley More Quotes From John Wesley "Ever since the religion of Islam appeared in the world, the espousers of it...have been as wolves and tigers to all other nations, rending and tearing all that fell into their merciless paws, and grinding them with their iron teeth; that numberless cities are raised from the foundation, and only their name remaining; that many countries, which were once as the garden of God, are now a desolate wilderness; and that so many once numerous and powerful nations are vanished from the earth! Such was, and is at this day, the rage, the fury, the revenge, of these destroyers of human kind". John Wesley powerfulrevengecountry I can by no means approve the scurrility and contempt with which the Romanists have often been treated. I dare not rail at, or despise, any man: much less those who profess to believe in the same Master. But I pity them much; having the same assurance, that Jesus is the Christ, and that no Romanist can expect to be saved, according to the terms of his covenant. John Wesley meanbelievejesus But as sickness and diseases have created the necessity of medicines and physicians, so the disorders of our rational nature have introduced the necessity of education and tutors. John Wesley physiciansmedicinedisease Employ whatever God has entrusted you with, in doing good, all possible good, in every possible kind and degree. John Wesley christian-inspirationaldegreesgodly If doing a good act in public will excite others to do more good, then 'Let your light shine to all.' Miss no opportunity to do good. John Wesley shininglightopportunity The best of all is God with us John Wesley god-with-us As no good is done, or spoken, or thought by any man without the assistance of God, working in and with those that believe in him, so there is no evil done, or spoken, or thought without the assistance of the devil, who worketh with strong though secret power in the children of unbelief. All the works of our evil nature are the work of the devil. John Wesley strongbelievechildren It is the work of God alone to justify, to sanctify, and to glorify. John Wesley sanctifyjustifyglorify God grant that I may never live to be useless! John Wesley grantsuselessmay Nay, if there be any mistakes in the Bible, there may as well be a thousand. If there be one falsehood in that book, it did not come from the God of truth John Wesley mistakemaybook All worldly joys are less than that one joy of doing kindnesses. John Wesley worldlykindnessjoy The wearing of costly array is directly opposite to being adorned with good works. Nothing can be more evident than this; for the more you lay out on your own apparel, the less you have left to clothe the naked, to feed the hungry, to lodge the stranger, to relieve those that are sick and in prison. John Wesley nakedsickopposites Preach faith till you have it; and then, because you have it, you will preach faith. John Wesley Beware, lastly, of imagining you shall obtain the end without using the means conducive to it. John Wesley endsmean I look upon all the world as my parish. John Wesley attitudelooksworld The bottom of the soul may be in repose, even while we are in many outward troubles; just as the bottom of the sea is calm, while the surface is strongly agitated. John Wesley soulseamay A meek spirit gives no trouble willingly to any: a quiet spirit bears all wrongs without being troubled. John Wesley spiritbearsgiving God would first, by this inspiration of his Spirit, have wrought in our hearts that holy love without which none can enter into glory. John Wesley inspirationheartfirsts The Bible must be the invention of either good men or angels, bad men or devils, or of God. It could not be the invention of good men or angels, for they neither would or could make a book, and tell lies all the time they were writing it, saying, 'Thus saith the Lord,' when it was their own invention. It could not be the invention of bad men or devils, for they would not make a book which commands all duty, forbids all sin, and condemns their souls to hell for all eternity. Therefore, I draw this conclusion, that the Bible must be given by divine inspiration. John Wesley inspirationbooklying Vice does not lose its character by becoming fashionable. John Wesley vicescharacterreligion