IT is permeating more industries. Moore's Law knocks down simulation capabilities. We don't need wind tunnels anymore, for example. You can run experiments more quickly. Steve Jurvetson More Quotes by Steve Jurvetson More Quotes From Steve Jurvetson Go to the moon, that's my dream. Steve Jurvetson moon dream The future will be less predictable, forecast rises will shrink, company lifetimes will shrink, new entrants will proliferate and it’s going to just get more unpredictable. If you thought financial crises came and went, just count on them – another economic collapse, it’s almost going to be like not news any more. But for startups this is great, because it’s a perpetual driver of disruption. Steve Jurvetson news financial lifetime When a nanotech company matures and becomes a real business, it becomes something else. It becomes a biotech company or a cleantech company or a memory chip company. Nanotechnology has fueled the core innovations in electronics and energy. Steve Jurvetson innovation real memories Something new will always be the source of growth in Silicon Valley. Steve Jurvetson valleys something-new growth It is this breathtaking image [of] success that motivates us and motivates kids to follow and understand rocket science: to understand the importance of physics and math and, in many ways, to have that awe at exploration of the frontiers of the unknown. Steve Jurvetson motivation inspiration kids When burned on a CD, the human genome is smaller than Microsoft Office. Steve Jurvetson microsoft cds office Putting seven people in orbit should not cost more than flying a commercial jet around earth. Steve Jurvetson orbit flying people IT is now reaching out to fuels and chemicals, energy and clean tech, rockets, all kinds of bizarre industries that formerly didn’t face much competition. Steve Jurvetson rockets competition faces If you're trying to put 4,000 satellites in orbit, one launch a month doesn't work. Steve Jurvetson science Development of space will improve life on Earth. Access to space is important for agriculture, humanitarian efforts, communications, and navigation. Steve Jurvetson agriculture space important life The first generation of biotech physically cut and pasted from one organism to another. You learned that taxol helped cure cancer, then you found the source organism and extracted the genes to make your drug. Now physical science is becoming information science. Steve Jurvetson generation you information science Corporate houses and big companies can be meaningful distribution channels for start-ups. Steve Jurvetson houses companies big meaningful As a geek, I take umbrage at the notion that chips are not sexy. But yes, robots, drones, satellites and self-driving cars are the kinds of things that excite me. Steve Jurvetson things me robots sexy I do think there are more and more entrepreneurs all the time that think big. Those are the people we should be finding and funding. Most of them will fail, but the ones who succeed will change the world, and that is progress. Steve Jurvetson change time people world Machine learning allows us to build software solutions that exceed human understanding and shows us how AI can innervate every industry. Steve Jurvetson ai how learning understanding Elon Musk is a remarkable individual. Steve Jurvetson elon-musk individual remarkable Elon Musk is an incredibly prolific entrepreneur, having come up with, or been at the founding team of Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity, PayPal, all different industries that seem to have nothing to do with each other. Steve Jurvetson nothing entrepreneur team different Personally, I do not look at IPOs for an exit. Steve Jurvetson personally look exit Venture capital is a dynamic and people-driven business. Steve Jurvetson venture-capital venture business Beyond self-driving cars, I think all airplanes should go pilotless. Get the pilots out of there. Even better, have no cockpit at all, and turn it into a nice lounge with a bar. Why give people the illusion of control with a steering wheel? Steve Jurvetson control better think people