It's become absolutely horrible the way the people with the money decide they can fart in the kitchen. Steven Soderbergh More Quotes by Steven Soderbergh More Quotes From Steven Soderbergh To me the director’s job is to leave it in better shape than you found it, literally. Steven Soderbergh umpiresjobsdirectors If you're sitting around thinking what other people think about your work, you'll just become paralysed. Steven Soderbergh sittingpeoplethinking In nature, if a cell gets too big, it divides. You can't come up with a set of rules that's going to work for 350 million people. You're just not. Steven Soderbergh bigscellspeople The muscle memory of filtering away all the wrong versions of what you're doing improves the more time you're on a film set. I feel like my problem-solving algorithm got kicked up a notch. Steven Soderbergh filmmemories We [people] are a species that's wired to tell stories. We need stories. It's how we make sense of things. It's how we learn. Steven Soderbergh storiespeopleneeds You’re supposed to expand your mind to fit the art, you’re not supposed to chop the art down to fit your mind. Steven Soderbergh fitmindart I want to thank anyone who spends part of their day creating...anybody who spends part of their day sharing their experience with us-I think this world would be unlivable without art and I thank you. Steven Soderbergh healingartthinking My experience over the years with working with people who are not actors or not trained actors is that you have to get to know them well enough to see what they have that's translatable onto the screen. Steven Soderbergh enoughpeople I think '60s are appealing to creative people, because it seemed to be a time of endless possibilities, when the boundaries of what could be considered popular culture were being expanded almost by the week. It doesn't feel like that anymore. At times, I wish it were so. Radio is a perfect example; good God, I mean, back then the most interesting songs were also hits, and that's just not true anymore. It hasn't been true in a long time. Steven Soderbergh songmeanthinking In the land of ideas, you are always renting. Steven Soderbergh landideas When things go right it's hard to figure out why, but when things go wrong it's really easy. Steven Soderbergh when-things-go-wrongfigureseasy If you're not flying people around on wires, and you're only allowing them to do things that people can really do, it can't go on for very long, because eventually somebody gets the drop on the other person and then it's over. Steven Soderbergh flyinglongpeople What are the stories you want people to tell about you? Steven Soderbergh storieswantpeople We're all standing on the shoulders of what other people have done. But you're supposed to take that and add your own sauce. It can be intimidating, believe me. Steven Soderbergh addbelievepeople There's a difference between failures and things that are bad. Steven Soderbergh differences I just find it annoying that in these sequences [of the fight scenes], traditionally, there's music trying to pump you up. I don't like that, personally, as an audience member. This just reflects my taste. Steven Soderbergh pumpsfightingtrying I've begun to believe more and more that movies are all about transitions, that the key to making good movies is to pay attention to the transition between scenes. And not just how you get from one scene to the next, but where you leave a scene and where you come into a new scene. Those are some of the most important decisions that you make. It can be the difference between a movie that works and a movie that doesn't. Steven Soderbergh differenceskeysbelieve Lying is like alcoholism. You are always recovering. Steven Soderbergh recoveryliarslying I'm a grinder. I'll beat you because I will not sleep. Steven Soderbergh grinderbeatssleep I never leave the writer behind, because you rewrite the movie in post, or at least I do. I always do, and I feel like anybody who doesn't at least explore that possibility is short-changing themselves. Editing is the most fun and most exciting part of the process. Steven Soderbergh possibilityeditingfun