It's not an old book, or a treasure map. Nope. Staring up at me was a pile of rocks. Wendy Mass More Quotes by Wendy Mass More Quotes From Wendy Mass The trick is that as long as you know who you are and what makes you happy, it doesn't matter how others see you. Wendy Mass being-yourself happy happiness Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Wendy Mass karma inspirational life A fight is going on inside me," said an old man to his son. "It is a terrible fight between two wolves. One wolf is evil. He is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other wolf is good. he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you." The son thought about it for a minute and then asked, "Which wolf will win?" The old man replied simply, "The one you feed. Wendy Mass regret kindness lying Nothing nice you ever do for anyone is for no reason. Wendy Mass no-reason nice reason You never know, life is short but it’s wide Wendy Mass life-is-short life-is knows I'm going to be so normal that when people look up normal in the dictionary, my name will be there. Wendy Mass names people looks (T)he world is broken up into pieces,'s up to everyone to help put it all back together. It's about recognizing the spark of life in everyone and everything, and gluing those shards back together. Wendy Mass pieces broken together Maybe some things aren't meant to be known. maybe there just meant to be accepted. Wendy Mass known accepted meant-to-be If nothing ever changed, there would be no such things as butterflies. Wendy Mass butterfly changed would-be They say the eyes are the window to the soul. Wendy Mass window-to-the-soul eye soul The sidelines may be safer but life is played on the field Wendy Mass fields life-is may When people see you're happy doing what you're doing, it sort of takes the power away from them to tease you about it. Wendy Mass bullying power people Life is short, have dessert first. Wendy Mass dessert-first life-is-short firsts Everything we think we know is really only perceived by our senses,' he explains patiently. 'The sounds we hear are just waves in the air; colors are electromagnetic radiation; your sense of taste comes from molecules that match a specific area on your tongue. Hey, if our eyes could access the infrared part of the light spectrum, the sky would be green and trees would be red. Some animals see in completely different ways, so who knows what colors look like to them. Nothing is really how we perceive it. Wendy Mass eye animal thinking I've learned that the universe doesn't care what our motives are, only our actions. So we should do things that will bring about good, even if there is an element of selfishness involved. Like the kids at my school might join the Key Club or Future Buisness Leaders of America, because it's a social thing and looks good on their record, not because they really want to volunteer at the nursing home. But the people at the nursing home still benefit from it, so it's better that the kids do it than not do it. And if they never did it, then they wouldn't find out that they actually liked it. Wendy Mass home kids school Some choices are forever....Just because people aren't in our lives anymore, doesn't mean they stop thinking about us and vice versa. Wendy Mass mean people thinking So softly Lizzy has to lean over to hear me, I say, 'I can't face the world until I know why I'm here.' You're kidding me.' I shake my head vehemently. 'No. I need to figure out my purpose. Until I do, what's the use of getting up? Wendy Mass purpose use needs And when he [the author of the universe] had compounded the whole, he divided it up into as many souls as there are stars, and allotted each soul to a star. And mounting them on their stars, as if on chariots, he showed them the nature of the universe and told them the laws of their destiny. - "Timaeus" by Plato 427-347 B.C. Wendy Mass destiny stars plato I am not plain, or average or - God forbid - vanilla. I am peanut butter rocky road with multicolored sprinkles, hot fudge and a cherry on top. Wendy Mass peanut-butter hot average Whereever you end up;" Jack whispered into my ear."I wish you clear skies. Always Wendy Mass ears wish sky