It sounded as if the streets were running, Emily Dickinson More Quotes by Emily Dickinson More Quotes From Emily Dickinson The Spider as an Artist Has never been employed- Though his surpassing Merit Is freely certified. Emily Dickinson spiders merit artist Drunkards of summer are quite as frequent as Drunkards of wine. Emily Dickinson drunkards wine summer Home is the definition of God. Emily Dickinson definitions god home The appetite for silence is seldom an acquired taste. Emily Dickinson appetite silence taste MY river runs to thee: Blue sea, wilt welcome me? My river waits reply. Oh sea, look graciously! I ’ll fetch thee brooks From spotted nooks,— Say, sea, Take me! Emily Dickinson sea blue running The only Commandment I ever obeyed — 'Consider the Lilies. Emily Dickinson commandments lilies You are nipping in the bud fancies which I let blossom. The shore is safer, but I love to buffet the sea - I can count the bitter wrecks here in these pleasant waters, and hear the murmuring winds, but oh, I love the danger! Emily Dickinson sea wind water 'Tis sweet to know that stocks will stand When we with Daisies lie- That Commerce will continue- And Trades as briskly fly. Emily Dickinson daisies sweet lying His Labor is a Chant - His Idleness -a Tune - Oh, for a Bee's experience Of Clovers, and of Noon! Emily Dickinson noon experience tunes Common sense is almost as omniscient as God. Emily Dickinson omniscient common-sense common Assent - and you are sane - Demur - and you're straightaway dangerous - and handled with a chain. Emily Dickinson chains dangerous atheism They say that “Time assuages” - Time never did assuage - An actual suffering strengthens As Sinews do, with age - Time is a Test of Trouble - But not a Remedy - If such it prove, it prove too There was no Malady Emily Dickinson tests suffering age Portrait The world spreads out on either side no farther than the heart is wide. Emily Dickinson portraits women heart I do not know the man so bold He dare in lonely Place That awful stranger Consciousness Deliberately face-. Emily Dickinson awful lonely men My friends are my estate. Forgive me then the avarice to hoard them. They tell me those who were poor early have different views of gold. I don't know how that is. God is not so wary as we, else He would give us no friends, lest we forget Him. Emily Dickinson forgive-me views giving There is no Silence in the Earth - so silent As that endured Which uttered, would discourage Nature And haunt the World. Emily Dickinson silence earth world Beauty is just a light switch away...'click!' Beauty is not caused. It is. Emily Dickinson clicks light Hope is a strange invention - A Patent of the Heart - In unremitting action Yet never wearing out Emily Dickinson patents hope heart My only sketch, profile, of Heaven is a large blue sky, and larger than the biggest I have seen in June - and in it are my friends - every one of them. Emily Dickinson june blue friendship A Bayonet's contrition is nothing to the dead. Emily Dickinson contrition bayonets war