It was the fault of David Trezeguet, who made me do one drink of vodka after another. I slept in the bathtub. Now I hold my vodka much better. Zlatan Ibrahimovic More Quotes by Zlatan Ibrahimovic More Quotes From Zlatan Ibrahimovic Messi does not need his right foot, though. He only uses the left and he's still the best in the world! Imagine if he also used his right foot... Then we would have serious problems! Zlatan Ibrahimovic messifeetdoe We usually say that you cannot become a legend before death. But I am a living legend Zlatan Ibrahimovic living-legendsbefore-deathlegends He's a lucky guy Cristiano, he always gets Zlatan Ibrahimovic awardsguywinning I like being the one who makes a difference. On the pitch, I always try to create a special situation. Zlatan Ibrahimovic making-a-differencedifferencesspecial Kosovo is Serbian, only if my mother is a Virgin Zlatan Ibrahimovic kosovovirginsmother Arsene Wenger asked me to have a trial with Arsenal when I was 17. I turned it down. Zlatan doesn't do auditions Zlatan Ibrahimovic wengertrialsfootball When you buy me, you are buying a Ferrari. If you drive a Ferrari you put premium fuel in the tank, you drive onto the motorway and you floor the accelerator. Guardiola filled up with diesel and went for a spin in the countryside. If that’s what he wanted, he should have bought himself a Fiat from the start. Zlatan Ibrahimovic ferrari I think I'm like wine. The older I get, the better I get. Zlatan Ibrahimovic winethinking Wherever I go people recognize me, call my name, cheer for me. But there are names no one cares to remember, that no one cheers for: the 805 million people suffering from hunger in the world today. Zlatan Ibrahimovic cheernamespeople It's true I don't know that much about Ligue 1, but Ligue 1 knows who I am. Zlatan Ibrahimovic who-i-amknows Come to my house and you'll see if I'm gay. And bring your sister. Zlatan Ibrahimovic gayifshouse I like Balotelli: he's even crazier than me. He can score a winner, then set fire to the hotel. Zlatan Ibrahimovic scorewinnerfire Come over to my house with your sister, baby, and I'll show you who's gay! Zlatan Ibrahimovic gayhousebaby José Mourinho is a big star. He's nice. The first time he met Helena [Ibrahimovic's partner] he whispered to her: 'Helena, you have only one mission - feed Zlatan, let him sleep, keep him happy.' That guy says whatever he wants. I like him. Zlatan Ibrahimovic wifestarssleep I'm like Muhammed Ali. When he said he would knock someone out in the fourth round, he did it. Zlatan Ibrahimovic fourthroundssaid First I went left, he did too. Then I went right, and he did too. Then I went left again, and he went to buy a hot dog. Zlatan Ibrahimovic doghotfirsts I don't need the Ballon d'Or to know I'm the best. It matters more to some players Zlatan Ibrahimovic playermatterneeds You don't need a team leader, you need quality. Zlatan Ibrahimovic qualityteamleader A World Cup without Zlatan is not worth watching. Zlatan Ibrahimovic world-cupcupsworld That's how it is with the English: if you score against them you're a good player; if you don't, you're not. Zlatan Ibrahimovic scoreplayerifs