It was you and me, Tom. We did this to them. To us. James Dashner More Quotes by James Dashner More Quotes From James Dashner Too bad we don't have a flashlight." "Thanks for stating the obvious, Mr. Thomas," Minho replied. James Dashner flashlights thanks obvious Dude, you tried to slice my you-know-what's off!" Thomas laughed, something that he hadn't done in a long time. He welcomed it happily. "Too bad I didn't. Could've saved the world from future little Minhos. James Dashner done long world Thomas hated the people who'd taken this poor, innocent kid form his family. He hated them with a passion he didn't know a human could feel. He wanted them dead, tortured, even. He wanted Chuck to be happy. But happiness had been ripped form their lives. Love had been ripped from their lives. James Dashner love-life passion taken If you ain’t scared… you ain’t human. James Dashner maze-runner scared humans All things happen for a purpose. James Dashner purpose all-things happens Quit voting me down before you even think about what I'm saying. James Dashner quitting voting thinking Thomas jabbed a thumb over his shoulder and raised his eyebrows. "You met our new friend?" Miho responded, a smirk flashing across his face. "Real piece of work, this guy. I gotta get me one of those shuck suits. Fancy stuff." "Am I awake?" Thomas asked. "You're awake. Now eat—you look horrible. Almost as bad as Rat Man over there, reading his book. James Dashner real reading book He pulled the envelope out of his pocket and ripped it open, then took out the slip of paper. The soft lights that ringed the mirror lit up the message in a warm glow. It was two short sentences: " KILL ME. IF YOU'VE EVER BEEN MY FRIEND, KILL ME. James Dashner light mirrors two Get your runtcheeks down those stairs, right now James Dashner stairs right-now You’re disgusting when you eat,” Chuck said, sitting on the bench next to him. “It’s like watching a starving pig eat his own klunk. James Dashner benches sitting pigs Minho was the first one to speak since the food had come. “Maybe we should just give in to those shuckfaces. Do what they want. One day we’ll all sit around, fat and happy.” Thomas knew he didn’t mean a word of it. “Yeah, maybe you can find a nice pretty girl who works here, settle down, get married and have kids. Just in time for the world to end in a sea of lunatics.” Minho kept at it. “WICKED’s going to figure out this blueprint business and we’ll all live happily ever after. James Dashner nice girl kids Whatever had happened to him [Newt] out there — maybe even related to his lingering ankle injury — had been truly awful. James Dashner ankles injury awful We'll start firing till they drop or we drop. James Dashner firing Vince couldn't stop talking, spilling thoughts that had obviously churned inside him for years. "We could've stopped the spread of the disease a lot better than we've been able to cure the disease... Thought the magical cure would save them in the end. But if we wait any longer we'll run out of people to save. James Dashner running talking years Minho looked at Thomas, a serious expression on his face. "If I don't see you on the other side," he said in a sappy voice, "remember that I love you. James Dashner voice expression love-you I sent a lot of publishing ideas to my publisher, about 30 of them. Each time except 3, i got a "rejection letter". This is basically what a rejection letter is like: Hello Pathetic Moron, We read your book. It sucked. Don't send us another one. If you do, we will run over your grandmother with a bus. Don't Do It. From, Your Publisher James Dashner grandmother running book Everything is going to change. James Dashner The betrayal meant he couldn't trust her anymore, and his heart told him he couldn't forgive her. James Dashner betrayal forgiving heart Your demons are always with you, Skale answered. His voice seemed even raspier than the day before. Don't you understand that by now? Always with you, impossible to escape. But you never can guess how they might manifest themselves. James Dashner voice might life Thats called hypocrisy, you shuck face piece of -! James Dashner pieces hypocrisy faces