Jesus is not the man at the top of the stairs; He is the man at the bottom, the friend of sinners, the savior of those in need of one. Which is all of us, all of the time. Tullian Tchividjian More Quotes by Tullian Tchividjian More Quotes From Tullian Tchividjian The people who tend to be the most gracious are those who know how badly they need grace Tullian Tchividjian grace people needs Your identity is firmly anchored in Christ's accomplishment, not yours; his strength, not yours; his performance, not yours; his victory, not yours. Tullian Tchividjian strength religious christian The gospel doesn't make bad people good, it makes dead people alive. Tullian Tchividjian dead-people alive people Legalism says God will love us if we change. The gospel says God will change us because He loves us. Tullian Tchividjian legalism gods-will lawyer God's acceptance of us cannot be gained by our successes nor forfeited by our failures. Tullian Tchividjian acceptance Here's one way I can know that I've forgotten the gospel of grace: when your sin bothers me more than my sin. Tullian Tchividjian grace religious way God's ability to clean things up is infinitely greater than our ability to mess things up. Tullian Tchividjian clean mess ability Only the gospel can truly save you. The gospel doesn't make bad people good; it makes dead people alive...the gospel is God's acceptance of us based on what Christ has done, not on what we can do. Tullian Tchividjian done acceptance people The gospel is good news to those who know they don't measure up. It's offensive to those who think they do. Tullian Tchividjian offensive news thinking The deepest fear we have, 'the fear beneath all fears,' is the fear of not measuring up, the fear of judgment. It's this fear that creates the stress and depression of everyday life. Tullian Tchividjian judgment stress everyday If you feel compelled to respond every time you're criticized it reveals just how much you've built your identity on being right. Tullian Tchividjian compelled identity feels Christianity is not about good people getting better. It is good news for bad people coping with their failure to be good. Tullian Tchividjian get-better news people If we're not reaching the same people Jesus reached, then we're not preaching the same message Jesus preached. Tullian Tchividjian messages people jesus Jesus plus nothing equals everything; everything minus Jesus equals nothing. Tullian Tchividjian minus plus jesus We are broken people living in a broken world with other broken people. We all need grace. Tullian Tchividjian broken grace people The desperate addict is closer to the heart of grace than the devout moralist. Tullian Tchividjian desperate grace heart If the depths of everyone's sin was made public, we would all be much more gracious to each other. Tullian Tchividjian sin depth made Only when you realize that the gospel has nothing to do with your obedience but with Christ's obedience for you, will you start to obey. The only Christians who end up getting better are those who realize that if they don't get better, God will love them anyway. Tullian Tchividjian get-better realizing christian Because Jesus was strong for me, I am free to be weak; Tullian Tchividjian strong ordinary jesus The grace of God sets us free from a life of perfection, performing, and pretending. Tullian Tchividjian pretending grace perfection