Knowing what I now know I would never have done anything so fatuous; but then I never would have known what I know now had I not. Stephen Fry More Quotes by Stephen Fry More Quotes From Stephen Fry I like people who are as unlike me as possible, which is not an expression of self disgust or self hatred, but it's just that you know you obviously particularly admire things that you recognize yourself as not having. Stephen Fry expression self people Taste every fruit of every tree in the garden at least once. It is an insult to creation not to experience it fully. Temperance is wickedness. Stephen Fry wickedness garden tree Generally, we admire the thing we are not. Stephen Fry admire Philosophy is an odd thing. When we use the word in everyday speech, you know, you sometimes hear it hilariously. Stephen Fry odd-things everyday philosophy We gave you a perfectly good language and you f***ed up. Stephen Fry perfectly-good language Literature is the only access to truth we have on this planet. Stephen Fry access planets literature Glory never arrives through the front door. She sneaks in uninvited round the back or through an upstairs window while you are sleeping. Stephen Fry sneak-in sleep doors The concept that really gets the goat of the gay-hater, the idea that really spins their melon and sickens their stomachs is that most terrible and terrifying of all human notions, love. That one can love another of the same gender, that is what the homophobe really cannot stand. Love in all eight tones and all five semitones of the world's full octave. Love as Agape, Eros and Philos; love as infatuation, obsession and lust; love as torture, euphoria, ecstasy and oblivion (this is beginning to read like a Calvin Klein perfume catalogue); love as need, passion and desire. Stephen Fry eight passion gay Now, bipolar disorder, it goes on a spectrum. There's very severe conditions of it and there are milder ones. I'm lucky enough that it's reasonably mild in my case. Stephen Fry bipolar lucky goes-on I must brave the interior of the most tawdry and literally trumpery tower of them all ... the Trump Taj Mahal. For taking the name of the priceless mausoleum of Agra, one of the beauties and wonders of the world, for that alone Donald Trump should be stripped naked and whipped with scorpions along the boardwalk.- It is as if a giant toad has raped a butterfly. Stephen Fry butterfly brave names there is no reason why anyone should understand how it works… and of course no reason why anyone should care … unless you are curious, in which case I love you, for curiosity about the world and all its corners is a beautiful thing. Stephen Fry curiosity love-you beautiful Oh, it takes a lot for me to walk out of a film. Stephen Fry film walks We always make the mistake, the fatal mistake in the case of military people, of imagining that each war will be a kind of version of the one that happened previously. Stephen Fry military mistake war absurd and dishonest as claiming that the trouble with computer games is that they stop people watching television. Stephen Fry games people television Music takes me to places of illimitable sensual and insensate joy, accessing points of ecstasy that no angelic lover could ever locate, or plunging me into gibbering weeping hells of pain that no torturer could ever devise". Stephen Fry pain sensual joy Those who rule the world get so little opportunity to run about and laugh and play in it. Stephen Fry play opportunity running I flicked my eyes over to Steve again and saw him straighten. He would need a diversion just to start. “Explanations?” I bellowed. “Explanations? There’s your explanation…there!” I stabbed a finger dramatically towards the far corner of the room. Pathetic, really. I mean, talk about the oldest trick in the book. But it’s a good book, and the trick would have been cut from subsequent editions if it didn’t sometimes work. Stephen Fry eye mean book But happiness is no respecter of persons. Stephen Fry comedy persons One of the most intensely unlikeable figures of the twentieth century, fanatical anti-Semite, enemy of labour unions and proud recipient of medals from Nazi Germany, where Hitler held him in veneration, Henry Ford was also an employer who paid his workers more than his competitors, an innovator who pioneered the assembly line and a visionary whose part in the creation of the twentieth century was so great that Aldous Huxley, in his Brave New World, prefigured a society whose calendar was divided into BF and AF-Before Ford and After Ford. Stephen Fry brave-new-world unions enemy I like to think of myself at home in the armchair, writing, smoking and occasionally wandering down the shop. Stephen Fry marijuana home writing