Kobe always tried to be a hero. But you know, as the saying goes, a hero ain't nothing but a sandwich. Shaquille O'Neal More Quotes by Shaquille O'Neal More Quotes From Shaquille O'Neal I just said to myself, 'Damn, I'm a great player.' Shaquille O'Neal basketballplayersaid Every team that plays us plays above their heads. That's because of me. Shaquille O'Neal teambasketballplay Once the Hack-a-Shaq works once, you know I'm going to see it again. The only thing worse for basketball than that defense is the Lack-a-Shaq offense, where I have to go to the bench because of foul trouble. There is no fun in that. Shaquille O'Neal defensebasketballfun I painted my toenails before Dennis Rodman. One time at training camp, I stubbed my toe and the nail came loose. My mom gave me some toenail hardener, and I painted over it. I scored 40-something points that night, so it became a ritual. Paint my toenails, score 40 points. Shaquille O'Neal mombasketballnight I had orders from the great Bill Russell. Me and him were talking in Seattle the other day, and he was telling me how rivalries should be. I asked him if he ever disliked anybody he played against, and he told me, 'No, never,' and he told me that I should shake Kobe Bryant's hand and let bygones be bygones and bury the hatchet. Shaquille O'Neal basketballorderhands You have to foul me to stop me, period. Shaquille O'Neal foulbasketballperiods When you feed the big dog, it does whatever you tell him to do. Shaquille O'Neal basketballdogdoe I'm one year older, one year sexier - one more, baby. For me, it's all about the bigger picture. We want to win the whole thing. We've got to beat whoever is in our way. Shaquille O'Neal basketballwinningbaby I'm the last in the line of Russells and Chamberlains. Shaquille O'Neal lineslastsbasketball They want to beat the Don Dadda. It means, 'The Man.' Shaquille O'Neal basketballmenmean Being the best right now doesn't do anything for my feathers. Shaquille O'Neal feathersbeing-the-bestbasketball I'm still the Dun Dada of all big men. Shaquille O'Neal bigsbasketballmen That's sort of a trick question, and I don't have a trick answer. Next question, please. You're not going to get me with that question today, buddy...I'm a veteran at this, buddy. Can't get that with me, buddy. Not today. Shaquille O'Neal nbamediaanswers The NBA's been around how long? A hundred years? Fifty years? So to change it now, whoever that person is needs his college degree revoked....Whoever did that needs to be fired. It was terrible, a terrible decision. Awful. I might get fined for saying that, but so what? Shaquille O'Neal nbacollegeyears I think the new ball is terrible. It's the worst decision some expert, whoever did it, made. It's terrible. It's like touching an exotic dancer and then going and touching a plastic blow-up doll. You know, it feels different. Shaquille O'Neal nbablowthinking I know that this is sport first and business second, and people have to do what's right for them. Shaquille O'Neal nbasportspeople About strip clubs and athletes. The best way I can explain why a lot of players end up there is because it's one of the safest places a high-profile person can spend time in a boring city. Shaquille O'Neal nbaathleteplayer A pinch is a pinch. If you pinch my right nipple, I'm going to say, 'ouch.' If I pinch your right nipple, you're going to say 'ouch.' A foul is a foul and a flagrant is a flagrant. Shaquille O'Neal ouchnbanipples I'm the first player in history that doesn't want to play defense and still gets in foul trouble. Shaquille O'Neal nbaplayerfirsts When I retire, I'm going after his job. If I don't make sheriff, I'm going after his job. He's not that good. You can quote me on that. Shaquille O'Neal sheriffsnbajobs