Let us now peruse our ancient authors, for out of the old fields must come the new corn. Edward Coke More Quotes by Edward Coke More Quotes From Edward Coke Common law is common right. Edward Coke common-law law common A witch is a person who hath conference with the Devil to consult with him or to do some act. Edward Coke conferences witch devil A corporation has no soul. Edward Coke corporations soul Precaution is better than a cure. Edward Coke precaution cures Corporations cannot commit treason, nor be outlawed, nor excommunicated, for they have no souls. Edward Coke coke corporations soul Every libel, which is called famosus libellus, is made either against a private man, or against a public person. If it be against a private man, it deserves a severe punishment. Edward Coke libel made men We should speak as the populace but think as the learned. Edward Coke speak should thinking You should trust any man in his own art provided he is skilled in it. Edward Coke trust men art Trial by jury is a wise distribution of power which exceeds all other modes of trial. Edward Coke distribution-of-power trials wise For a man's house is his castle, et domus sua cuique tutissimum refugium [and one's home is the safest refuge to everyone]. Edward Coke house home men It is better, saith the law, to suffer a mischief that is peculiar to one, than an inconvenience that may prejudice many. Edward Coke prejudice suffering law Fraud and deceit abound in these days more than in former times. Edward Coke fraud deceit these-days And the law, that is the perfection of reason, cannot suffer anything that is inconvenient. Edward Coke suffering perfection law Those who consent to the act and those who do it shall be equally punished. Edward Coke consent coke There must have been good grounds for belief in witchcraft; otherwise Parliament would not have legislated against it. Edward Coke witchcraft parliament belief A thing which is not in esse but in apparent expectancy is regarded in law. Edward Coke property expectancy law We have a saying in the House of Commons; that old ways are the safest and surest ways. Edward Coke house-of-commons house way Don't quote the distinction, for the honour of my lord Coke. Edward Coke coke distinction lord Things are worth what they will fetch at a sale Edward Coke fetch So use your own property as not to injure that of another Edward Coke property coke use