Letting the mind control the vital breath is called force. Laozi More Quotes by Laozi More Quotes From Laozi Stop thinking, and end your problems. Laozi taoism tao-te-ching thinking True words aren't eloquent; eloquent words aren't true. Wise men don't need to prove their point; men who need to prove their point aren't wise. The Master has no possessions. The more he does for others, the happier he is. The more he gives to others, the wealthier he is. The Tao nourishes by not forcing. By not dominating, the Master leads. Laozi leadership wise men Your own positive future begins in this moment. All you have is right now. Every goal is possible from here. Laozi positive-future moments goal Those who seek knowledge, collect something every day. Those who seek the Way, let go of something every day. Laozi taoism letting-go knowledge Those who know do not talk. Those who talk do not know. Laozi intelligence tao-te-ching education In order to eliminate the negative influences, simply ignore them. Laozi negative-influence order negative If a person seems wicked, do not cast him away. Awaken him with your words, elevate him with your deeds, repay his injury with your kindness. Do not cast him away; cast away his wickedness. Laozi wicked spiritual kindness The world is won by those who let it go. Laozi let-it-go attachment letting-go People aren't against you; they are for themselves. The most dangerous risk of all - the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later. He who conquers others is strong, he who conquers himself is mighty. Laozi risk strong people If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to. If you are not afraid of dying, there is nothing you cannot achieve Laozi change spiritual inspirational The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth. Laozi truth beautiful beauty Look, and it can't be seen. Laozi essence dark life Thirty spokes meet in the hub, Laozi wall essence home Have patience. Wait until the mud settles and the water is clear. Remain unmoving until right action arises by itself. Laozi encouraging positivity water Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. Laozi motivational inspirational life Nothing in the world is more flexible and yielding than water. Yet when it attacks the firm and the strong, none can withstand it, because they have no way to change it. So the flexible overcome the adamant, the yielding overcome the forceful. Everyone knows this, but no one can do it. Laozi strong power water Do you think that you can clear your mind by sitting constantly in silent meditation? This makes your mind narrow, not clear. Integral awareness is fluid and adaptable, present in all places and at all times. That is true meditation. ... The Tao is clear and simple, and it doesn't avoid the world. Laozi meditation simple thinking For knowledge, add something every day. For wisdom....subtract. Laozi add Goodness in words creates trust, goodness in thinking creates depth, goodness in giving creates love. Laozi taoism giving thinking Sometimes gain comes from losing, and sometimes loss comes from gaining. Laozi taoism gains loss