Librarians have always been among the most thoughtful and helpful people. They are teachers without a classroom. Willard Scott More Quotes by Willard Scott More Quotes From Willard Scott Positive feelings come from being honest about yourself and accepting your personality, and physical characteristics, warts and all; and, from belonging to a family that accepts you without question. Willard Scott unique-characteristics family positive Viewers figure, 'Uncle Willard doesn't know any more about the weather than I do.' They're right. Willard Scott uncles figures weather People over 100 are the fastest-growing group in America. People soon will be working 'til 100 - some because they have to - and living 'til 125 or even 135. What do I know, I'm just a weatherman, but I've made a hobby of studying this, and it's phenomenal. Willard Scott groups america people Bryant Gumbel's ego has applied for statehood. And if it's accepted, it will be the fifth-largest. Willard Scott hilarious accepted ego There is something endearing about the weatherman. Willard Scott endearing weathermen Tom Browkaw said it best. He said NBC could survive without him or the rest of the news division, but not Nancy Fields. Willard Scott nbc division news Why do we love our grandparents so much? Part of the reason I think has to do with the tremendous natural affection and affinity that kids have for older people, whether they are their actual grandparents or not. Willard Scott kids people thinking I have always said that the best training to be a TV newsman or anybody on television is to do a children's show because you are oblivious to the fact that there is a camera there. Willard Scott training cameras children These days, you have to have a gimmick to do the weather. You have to have an act. Willard Scott gimmicks these-days weather I've produced more pilots than United Airlines, and they've all been disasters. Every audition I ever took in my life I lost. Willard Scott auditions disaster pilots Take a microphone out of my hands, and I'm just plain folks. Willard Scott microphones folks hands Having a phobia has changed me. Willard Scott phobia changed When you hit the big time, big money, big egos, people don't talk. You have no friends. Willard Scott no-friends ego people It's simply a tragedy that anyone today goes blind from glaucoma, when it's so unnecessary. Willard Scott unnecessary tragedy today Everyone complains about the weather, but nobody ever seems to do anything about it. Willard Scott seems complaining weather I've always had a reputation as a buffoon. Willard Scott buffoons reputation Thanksgiving just gets me all warm and tingly and all kinds of wonderful inside. Willard Scott nice-thanksgiving kind wonderful As an only child, I never felt insecure and always had total love. Willard Scott only-child insecure children I go to McDonald's at least once a week. I always get a No. 2. Willard Scott week mcdonalds The TV weatherman has always been one of the best, most secure jobs. They change anchors, they change the set, producers come and go. But the weather person hangs on forever! Willard Scott anchors weather jobs