Like all of us in this storm between birth and death, I can wreak no great changes on the world, only small changes for the better, I hope, in the lives of those I love. Dean Koontz More Quotes by Dean Koontz More Quotes From Dean Koontz It's only life. We all get through it. Dean Koontz A good dog is one of the best things of all to be. Dean Koontz good-dog best-things dog Pain is all I know." He murmured. "Peace is all I want Dean Koontz pain knows want In the belly of Leviathan ... one can either despair and perish, or be cheerful and persevere. Dean Koontz leviathan cheerful despair We are not born to wait. We are born to do. Dean Koontz born waiting The primitive in each of us climbs closer to the surface during the night, for the moon sings to it, and the cold void between the stars speaks its language. To that savage self, evil can look lovely in too little light. Dean Koontz stars moon night Only the human spirit can act with volition and consciously change itself; it is the only thing in all creation that is not entirely at the mercy of forces outside itself. Dean Koontz creation mercy spirit Intuition is seeing with the soul. Dean Koontz instinct intuition soul Blizzards, floods, volcanos, hurricanes, earthquakes: They fascinate because they nakedly reveal that Mother Nature, afflicted with bipolar disorder, is as likely to snuff us as she is to succor us. Dean Koontz bipolar mother earthquakes In a clutch or a corner, I tend to make a weapon out of what is near at hand. That can be anything from a crowbar to a cat, though if I had a choice, I would prefer an angry cat, which I have found to be more effective than a crowbar. Although weaponless, I left the house by the back door, with two chocolate-pumpkin cookies. It's a tough world out there, and a man has to armor himself against it however he can. ~Odd Thomas Dean Koontz cat doors men Envy, envy eats them alive. If you had money, they’d envy you that. But since you don’t, they envy you for having such a good, bright, loving daughter. They envy you for just being a happy man. They envy you for not envying them. One of the greatest sorrows of human existence is that some people aren’t happy merely to be alive but find their happiness only in the misery of others. Dean Koontz daughter men people We need to laugh at the irrationality of evil, for in doing so we deny evil's power over us, diminish its influence in the world, and tarnish the allure it has for some people. Dean Koontz evil laughing people Fear is a poison produced by the mind, and courage is the antidote stored always ready in the soul Dean Koontz poison soul mind One of the greatest gifts we receive from dogs is the tenderness they evoke in us Dean Koontz evoke greatest-gifts dog As long as I have laughter, I am not without hope Dean Koontz without-hope laughter long The less depth a belief system has, the greater the fervency with which its adherents embrace it. The most vociferous, the most fanatical are those whose cobbled faith is founded on the shakiest grounds. Dean Koontz embrace depth belief Pain can be endured and defeated only if it is embraced. Denied or feared, it grows. Dean Koontz defeated grows pain All human lives are so profoundly and intricately entwined-those dead, those living, those generations yet to come-that the fate of all is the fate of each, and the hope of humanity rests in every heart and in every pair of hands. Dean Koontz fate heart hands None of us can ever save himself; we are the instruments of one another’s salvation, and only by the hope that we give to others do we lift ourselves out of the darkness into light. Dean Koontz light darkness giving Even in the darkest moments, light exists if you have faith to see it. Dean Koontz moments light have-faith