Lord, save Russia and bring her peace. Nicholas II of Russia More Quotes by Nicholas II of Russia More Quotes From Nicholas II of Russia There is no justice among men. Nicholas II of Russia justice men I do not rule Russia. 10,000 clerks do. Nicholas II of Russia russia clerks All around me is cowardice and deceit. Nicholas II of Russia cowardice deceit I am not yet ready to be Tsar. I know nothing of the business of ruling. Nicholas II of Russia ruling ready knows I am just a plain, common man. Nicholas II of Russia common-man common men I do not rule Russia: ten thousand clerks do. Nicholas II of Russia bureaucracy russia clerks “First Baptist of Ivy Gap” Nicholas II of Russia In the morning I warmed myself while sitting on the greenhouse roof. Nicholas II of Russia Well, this may have once been a ham, but now it is nothing but an ex-ham. Nicholas II of Russia This is not a question of confidence or lack of it. It is my will. Remember that we live in Russia, not abroad... and therefore I shall not consider the possibility of any resignation. Nicholas II of Russia In the days of the great struggle against the foreign enemies, who for nearly three years have tried to enslave our fatherland, the Lord God has been pleased to send down on Russia a new heavy trial. Internal popular disturbances threaten to have a disastrous effect on the future conduct of this persistent war. The destiny of Russia, the honor of our heroic army, the welfare of the people and the whole future of our dear fatherland demand that the war should be brought to a victorious conclusion whatever the cost. The cruel enemy is making his last efforts, and already the hour approaches when our glorious army together with our gallant allies will crush him. In these decisive days in the life of Russia, We thought it Our duty of conscience to facilitate for Our people the closest union possible and a consolidation of all national forces for the speedy attainment of victory. In agreement with the Imperial Duma We have thought it well to renounce the Throne of the Russian Empire and to Nicholas II of Russia The Tsarist system was not doomed by 1914. Nicholas II of Russia jj Nicholas II of Russia