Love invites the Holy Ghost to be present to confirm truth. And the joy of learning divine truths creates love in the hearts of people who shared the experience of learning. Henry B. Eyring More Quotes by Henry B. Eyring More Quotes From Henry B. Eyring Each child in each generation chooses faith or disbelief. Faith is not an inheritance; it is a choice. Henry B. Eyring generations choices children If you will be humble and ask God what to do, I promise you that he will always prepare a way for your deliverance. Henry B. Eyring preparation humble promise If we have faith in Jesus Christ the hardest as well as the easiest times in life can be a blessing. Henry B. Eyring spiritual inspirational jesus Pray for the love which allows you to see the good in your companion. Pray for the love that makes weaknesses and mistakes seem small. Pray for the love to make your companion's joy your own. Pray for the love to want to lessen the load and soften the sorrows of your companion Henry B. Eyring marriage family love Our choosing the right consistently whenever the choice is placed before us creates the solid ground under our faith Henry B. Eyring consistently choices Jesus Christ lives, knows us, watches over us, and cares for us. In moments of pain, loneliness, or confusion, we do not need to see Jesus Christ to know that He is aware of our circumstances and that His mission is to bless. Henry B. Eyring pain loneliness jesus The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ, and we learn about Him in its pages. We know that it has great power. It has the power to change lives. It has the power to convert. If you read it with an open heart, you will know that it is the word of God and that it is true. Henry B. Eyring life-changing book jesus The Lord will always prepare a way for you to escape from the trials you will be given if you understand two things. One is that you need to be on the Lord's errand. The second thing you need to understand is that the escape will almost never be out of the trial; it will usually be through it. Henry B. Eyring preparation understanding two The good works that really matter require the help of heaven. And the help of heaven requires working past the point of fatigue so far that only the meek and lowly will keep going long enough. The Lord doesn't put us through this test just to give us a grade; he does it because the process will change us. Henry B. Eyring giving long past We lighten the loads of others best by helping the Lord strengthen them. Henry B. Eyring load lord helping Although his time is not always our time, we can be sure that the lord keeps his promises. Henry B. Eyring spiritual inspirational promise Even the acceptance of personal responsibility may not overcome the temptation to believe that now is not the time to repent. 'Now' can seem so difficult, and 'later' appear so much easier. The truth is that today is always a better day to repent than any tomorrow. Henry B. Eyring responsibility acceptance believe The truth is that we all need repentance. If we are capable of reason and past the age of eight, we all need the cleansing that comes through applying the full effects of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Henry B. Eyring eight past jesus Choose to obey the Lord quickly, always, in quiet times and in storms. As we do, our faith will be strengthened, we will find peace in this life, and we will gain the assurance that we and our families can qualify for eternal life in the world to come. Henry B. Eyring storm gains world We can follow a steady upward course in a world of change without fear, welcoming opportunities Henry B. Eyring lds opportunity world To find gratitude and generosity when you could reasonably find hurt and resentment will surprise you. It will be so surprising because you will see so much of the opposite: people who have much more than others yet who react with anger when one advantage is lost or with resentment when an added gift is denied. Henry B. Eyring gratitude hurt opposites God loves his children more than any earthly parent, so think what your kindness to his children means to him. Henry B. Eyring kindness mean children God not only loves the obedient - He enlightens them. Henry B. Eyring lds only-love enlightening You hold in your hands the happiness of more people than you can imagine. Henry B. Eyring imagine hands people This is the Church of Jesus Christ, and He leads it. No assignment in it need ever overwhelm you if you know that and listen for the Master's voice. Henry B. Eyring voice church jesus