Memories were short and history unkind. It was the way of the world. Deborah Harkness More Quotes by Deborah Harkness More Quotes From Deborah Harkness You persist in this romantic vision of what it is to be a vampire, but despite my best efforts to curb it I have a taste for blood. Deborah Harkness best-effortvisionblood Se Souvenir du passe, et qu'il ya un avenir: Remember the past, and that there is a future. Deborah Harkness souvenirsrememberpast Scholars do one of two things when they discover information that doesn't fit what they already know. Either they sweep it aside so it doesn't bring their cherished theories into question or they focus on it with laserlike intensity and try to get to the bottom of the mystery. Deborah Harkness focustryingtwo Yes, I see that you are behaving like a prince but that doesn't mean you won't behave like a devil at the first opportunity. Deborah Harkness devilopportunitymean All that children need is love, a grown-up to take responsibility for them, and a soft place to land. Deborah Harkness landresponsibilitychildren She was like a camera that had been chronically out of focus until someone came by and twisted the lenses into alignment. Deborah Harkness lensescamerasfocus These days vampires gravitated toward particle accelerators, projects to decode the genome, and molecular biology. Once they had flocked to alchemy, anatomy, and electricity. If it went bang, involved blood, or promised to unlock the secrets of the universe, there was sure to be a vampire around. Deborah Harkness vampiresecretblood It is a blessing as well as a burden to love so much that you can hurt so badly when love is gone. Deborah Harkness hurtblessinglove-is Just because something seems impossible doesn't make it untrue. Deborah Harkness untrueseemsimpossible If the butterfly wings its way to the sweet light that attracts it, it's only because it doesn't know that the fire can consume it. Deborah Harkness butterflyfiresweet I wanted to know how humans came up with a view of the world that had so little magic in it. I needed to understand how they convinced themselves that magic wasn’t important. Deborah Harkness magicimportantviews I know,I can smell it, too. Deborah Harkness smelli-canknows As fast as I can tell there are only two emotions that keep the world spinning year after year...One is fear. The other is desire. Deborah Harkness desiretwoyears In this room we understand why this war might be's about our common belief that no one has the right to tell two creatures that they cannot love each other--no matter what their species. Deborah Harkness mightwartwo Sorry, we've got ghosts. Deborah Harkness ghostsorry the first requirement of war: allies must not kill each other. Deborah Harkness alliesrequirementswar Matthew kept hinting that his desire - for blood, chiefly- was so strong that it put everything else at risk. But vampires weren’t the only creatures who had to manage such strong impulses. Much of what qualified as magic was simply desire in action. Witchcraft was different- that took spells and rituals. But magic? A wish, a need, a hunger too strong to be denied- these could turn into deeds when they cross a witch’s mind. Deborah Harkness riskstrongblood The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed (Albert Einstein) Deborah Harkness eyebeautifulart Be yourself-- Matthew Clairmont. Complete with your sharp vampire teeth and your scary mother, your test tubes full of blood and your DNA, your infuriating bossiness and your maddening sense of smell. Deborah Harkness being-yourselfsmellmother Within days they'd formed an unholy alliance with a foppish young French vampire in the Garden District who had implausibly golden hair and a streak of ruthlessness as wide as the Mississippi Deborah Harkness vampiregardenhair