Men are going to go out on the road and they're going to find other women. So if you really want to save yourself a whole lot of heartache, do not fall in love with somebody in a band. Just don't. Stevie Nicks More Quotes by Stevie Nicks More Quotes From Stevie Nicks In Fleetwood Mac I have a persona, I call myself the 'Spider Woman'. I try to imagine myself putting on a spider mask. I become very subdued and quieter, I don't move so fast., I'm in a state of suspended animation. Stevie Nicks spiderstryingmoving I blame it [never taking a break] on my mother. She was a born entertainer. Leave the songwriting, the singing and all that behind, and I still would have found some way to be an entertainer. I would have never been an actress, though, because I realized early in my life, in like sixth grade, I was a terrible actress. Stevie Nicks singingmotherway That's not going to happen, because I don't want it to happen. I don't want a movie about me until I'm very, very old - when I'm very, very old, everybody that wants to play me will be middle-aged. Stevie Nicks middlewantplay I look around at all the girl singers, and I think they're all my children... and they're all going to do this... And, yes, maybe I inspired them because I did get through a lot, and I did have the same problems that they're going to have. You do have to give up a lot for it. Stevie Nicks giving-upgirlchildren The loneliness of a one night stand is hard to take. Stevie Nicks lonelinessnightsex I keep all my poems in my journals and lock them away. They are the start of everything. Stevie Nicks locksjournal Love is only one fine star away, even though the living is sometimes laced with lies. Stevie Nicks starslovelying We are just as a good as men are - and maybe better and smarter. Stevie Nicks smartermen Rock and menopause do not mix. Stevie Nicks menopauserocks But for me, I knew that if I had a baby, I would have to take care of that baby, and I wouldn't have been happy with a nanny taking care of my baby and walking into the room and having my child run across the room to another woman. Stevie Nicks runningbabychildren It's really hard when you break up with somebody, or somebody breaks up with you, and you're in this band; guess who you have to see in the next day in the hotel in the breakfast room? That person. Stevie Nicks next-daybandbreakfast The truly incredible thing is were realizing that you can perform a two-and-a-half-hour gig without being high and still have a fantastic time. Stevie Nicks gigshalftwo All my feather stuff is in L.A. at a temperature-controlled stage-storage place. I keep all my good stuff there because if I had it all in my house, I wouldn't have any room for my regular clothes. It has to, like, not live here. Stevie Nicks clotheshousestuff Klonopin - more deadly than coke Stevie Nicks coke I don't really like to be filmed. Stevie Nicks I live in the realm Stevie Nicks man-of-my-dreamsdatingpossibility I wouldn't like to be in movies. Movie people are strange. They live a different life than musicians do. Stevie Nicks moviemusicianpeople You could never in a million years have told me Prince would not be here today. Stevie Nicks millionstodayyears I watched Janis one time - we opened for her - and that's the only time I ever saw her. We opened for Jimi Hendrix. I got to stand on the side of the stage and watch him for two hours and then he died. But I got the essence before they left. Stevie Nicks essencewatchestwo For 70 nights, right across America, I've been getting out there with two ex-lovers and we've been playing songs which are so specific about each of us, you just wouldn't know. We're friends now but we can't forget what happened between us. Stevie Nicks songfriendshipnight