Money is the wise man's religion. Euripides More Quotes by Euripides More Quotes From Euripides Time will unveil all things to posterity. Euripides posterity all-things Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad. Euripides mad depression insanity Fate finds for every man; his share of misery. Euripides fate sadness men Luckier than one's neighbor, but still not happy. Euripides neighbor not-happy happiness Toil, says the proverb, is the sire of fame. Euripides toil reputation fame Better a serpent than a stepmother! Euripides stepmothers serpent Where there is no wine there is no love. Euripides wine-and-love bottles-of-wine wine Who dares not speak his free thoughts is a slave. Euripides free-thought slave speak Short is the joy that guilty pleasure brings. Euripides discipline joy character To generous souls every task is noble. Euripides generosity tasks soul Down on your knees, and thank heaven, fasting, for a good man's love. Euripides love men heaven Life has no blessing like a prudent friend. Euripides inspiration friendship life Virtue proceeds through effort. Euripides effort virtue There is in the worst of fortune the best of chances for a happy change. Euripides optimism chance healing Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent. Euripides prudent fighting literature Courage may be taught as a child us taught to speak. Euripides military may children There seems to be some pleasure for women in sick talk of one another. Euripides women pleasure sick Ignorance of one's misfortunes is clear gain. Euripides ignorant adversity ignorance This is what it means to be a slave; to be abused and bear it; compelled by violence to suffer wrong. Euripides power suffering mean Those who are held Wise among men and who search the reasons of things, are those who bring the most sorrow on themselves. Euripides wisdom wise men