My friends are people who like building cool stuff. We always have this joke about people who want to just start companies without making something valuable. There's a lot of that in Silicon Valley. Mark Zuckerberg More Quotes by Mark Zuckerberg More Quotes From Mark Zuckerberg I literally coded Facebook in my dorm room and launched it from my dorm room. I rented a server for $85 a month, and I funded it by putting an ad on the side, and we've funded ever since by putting ads on the side. Mark Zuckerberg dormsmonthsrooms I actually do think you're seeing this trend towards organizations just caring more about their brand and engaging. And so I think Home Depot will want to humanize itself. I think that's a lot of why companies are starting blogs, are just giving more insight into what's going on with them. Mark Zuckerberg caringhomethinking In terms of doing work and in terms of learning and evolving as a person, you just grow more when you get more people's perspectives... I really try and live the mission of the company and... keep everything else in my life extremely simple. Mark Zuckerberg perspectivesimplepeople Our work to improve privacy continues today. Mark Zuckerberg privacytoday Look at the way celebrities and politicians are using Facebook already. When Ashton Kutcher posts a video, he gets hundreds of pieces of feedback. Maybe he doesn't have time to read them all or respond to them all, but he's getting good feedback and getting a good sense of how people are thinking about that and maybe can respond to some of it. Mark Zuckerberg piecespeoplethinking It's not because of the amount of money. For me and my colleagues, the most important thing is that we create an open information flow for people. Having media corporations owned by conglomerates is just not an attractive idea to me. Mark Zuckerberg information-flowmediamoney It's tough to say, exactly, what things will look like in three to five years, but there's a lot of work to do in just moving along the path that we've already set out. Mark Zuckerberg hard-workyearsmoving A lot of the time the experts, the people who are supposed to be able to tell you what to do, will tell you that you can't do something even when you know you can. And a lot of the time it's your friends ... who tell you you can do it. Mark Zuckerberg expertsgraduationpeople The last six years have been a lot of coding and focus and hard work. But maybe it would be fun to remember it as partying and all this crazy drama. Mark Zuckerberg crazyfundrama I like to pride myself on thinking pretty long term, but not that long term. Mark Zuckerberg pridebusinessthinking When I was in college I did a lot of stupid things and I don't want to make an excuse for that. Some of the things that people accuse me of are true, some of them aren't. There are pranks, IMs. Mark Zuckerberg collegestupidpeople I mostly built stuff that I liked. Mark Zuckerberg builtstuff Free basic internet access should be like dialing 911 in the US or 100 in India. Mark Zuckerberg internet-accessentrepreneurindia It occurred to me that building a company was the best way to align a group of people towards building something great. And its really... it's a good organizational structure where you can really reward people. If they're building something that's good, you can you work with partners and reward them if the product that you're developing work well. It's a good way to get the best people involved to build something very good. Mark Zuckerberg rewardsgreatnesspeople Stuff like photos and events and groups - we've built pretty basic versions of those apps to start but they ended up being so much more used because of their social integrations. Mark Zuckerberg groupseventscommunication If the original Facebook was the first five minutes [of a conversation] and the stream was the next 15, what I want to show you today is the rest-the next few hours of a deep engaging conversation. Mark Zuckerberg nextwanttoday We just cared more about connecting the world than anyone else. And we still do today. Mark Zuckerberg stillstodayworld Google, I think, in some ways, is more competitive and certainly is trying to build their own little version of Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg googletryingthinking Nothing influences people more than are commendation from a trusted friend. Mark Zuckerberg designmarketingpeople We look for people who are passionate about something. In a way, it almost doesn’t matter what you’re passionate about. What we really look for when we’re interviewing people is what they’ve shown an initiative to do on their own. Mark Zuckerberg passionatepeoplelooks