My mom was always late. It drove me crazy as a child. So I'm always on time - or early. Jodie Foster More Quotes by Jodie Foster More Quotes From Jodie Foster Any actor working a long time should know how a shot is set up, where to place themselves, how to handle the lines. I'm a member of the crew, like the best boy, the electrician. What I'm good at is making eyes at the camera. Jodie Foster eyeboyslong I love more than anything looking at a movie scene by scene and seeing the intention behind it. Jodie Foster intentionbehindsscene As an actor, I'm always playing solitary characters. But as a director, I'm always making ensemble movies, which focus on lots of people's lives and how they intertwine. Jodie Foster focuscharacterpeople I love European movies and I kind of grew up on European films. Jodie Foster filmkindeurope As an actor, I'm attracted to drama; as a director, it's humor - because it's the story of my life, and I can't be that serious about it. Being alone is a big theme in all my movies, both as a director and as an actress. Jodie Foster storiesdramadirectors There's absolutely no sort of acknowledgment or reward for this - except for the intangible of my kids growing up to be wonderful people. Jodie Foster growing-upmomkids I am the luckiest filmmaker I know. Jodie Foster filmmakerknows All the movies that I make in some ways have to be the story of my life. There are different chapters in my life. Jodie Foster differentstoriesway It's hard to get personal films off the ground, and it's hard developing them. Jodie Foster harddevelopingfilm Going back and forth between the press and something like The Crucible must be really crazy and intense. Jodie Foster intensecruciblecrazy I made, like, five movies while I was in college. I think they just weren't memorable movies. I've taken breaks as the years have gone on - I burn out every once in a while. Jodie Foster takencollegememorable I can't imagine ever not doing [acting]. I would feel like I would have lost a limb. But I am older now, and sometimes I wonder who I would have been and what about me would have changed had I not had these experiences as a young person Jodie Foster actingwondersometimes I didn't grow up really wanting to be an actor. I don't remember ever not being an actor. Jodie Foster growing-upactorsremember I look back at my career when I was younger and can connect what I was going through at the time with the characters I was playing. I see the similarities in them reflecting on my life. Jodie Foster careerscharacterlooks I did a couple of plays in junior high school, maybe high school, and then I did a play in college. Jodie Foster couplecollegeschool All of the thinking and planning that you do to get there, and then, in one minute, in one second, it just doesn't matter. It goes out the window. You either got it or you didn't. There is something kind of refreshing about that. Jodie Foster planningmatterthinking I've got that Irish thing going on. Lots of Irish in my background. Jodie Foster backgrounds I don't know if you've ever seen some of the Sidney Lumet movies, like Dog Day Afternoon [1975] or Network [1976]. They're real events that happen in real time, and there are all of these different characters experiencing the same thing in different parts of the movie ... I am so bad at explaining my films. But it's in the world of finance and the world of media, and how they connect. It was a big undertaking. A big, mainstream movie, which stars Julia Roberts and George Clooney. But for me, it's really just a small story about character and people. Jodie Foster starsrealdog I really did feel like I was surrounded by family members. I didn't have a dad, and I remember there were all these guys - in the old days, there were no women, except a makeup artist or, occasionally, a script supervisor. So there were just guys who taught me how to, you know, whittle wood, or how to pull focus, and what the camera was doing. And if I was being bratty, they'd sit me down and tell me. There were lots of rules about not being late and making sure that you didn't spill anything. So it felt a little bit like I was in a family. Jodie Foster makeupdadartist And I guarantee, lots of it is unconscious, when you’ve been in a privileged position where you haven’t had to look at your part, you didn’t 100 percent understand you were in a bubble. It’s an interesting time for men. Jodie Foster latest-headlines