Nature makes trees put down deep roots before having them bear fruit, and even this is done gradually. Vincent de Paul More Quotes by Vincent de Paul More Quotes From Vincent de Paul Remember, Monsieur, that the downfall of most Communities comes from the cowardice of Superiors in not holding firm and in not purging them of the troublesome and incorrigible. Vincent de Paul community leadership remember Ultimately, Monsieur, we must go to God per infamiam et bonam famam [whether spoken of well or ill], and His Divine Goodness is merciful to us when it pleases Him to allow us to encounter blame and public contempt. I am sure you have borne patiently the embarrassment you experienced because of what has happened. If the glory of the world is nothing but smoke, the contrary is a solid good, when it is accepted in the right way. I hope that great good will come to us from this humiliation. Vincent de Paul faith way world Peace is worth more than all worldly possessions; in addition, God rewards it even in this life. Vincent de Paul rewards this-life wisdom Make an effort to serve good bread and good meat and not to sell the better wine so as to serve what is inferior. Vincent de Paul effort wine wisdom Divine Providence is never wanting in things undertaken at Its command. Even though the whole world should rise up and destroy us, nothing could happen but what is pleasing to God. The less there is of man in affairs, the more there is of God. Vincent de Paul faith men world [L]et us believe that all is going along the best in the world when we take no satisfaction in it, provided we humble ourselves for this and redouble our confidence in God. Vincent de Paul humble faith believe Let us reflect that we shall always do God's Will and He will do ours when we carry out that of our Superiors. Vincent de Paul gods-will superiors faith . . . [R]estlessness usually stems from pride and from being discontented with one's lot in life. Vincent de Paul stem pride faith [A] truly humble spirit humbles itself as much amid honors as amid insults, acting like the honeybee which makes its honey equally as well from the dew that falls on the wormwood as from that which falls on the rose. Vincent de Paul humble rose fall It is a maxim of ours to work in the service of the people, with the good pleasure of the pastors, and never to act contrary to their wishes. And, at the opening and closing of each mission, we get their blessing in a spirit of dependence. Vincent de Paul wisdom blessing past If after so much effort and prayer, the matter is not successful, it will be a clear sign that God does not will it. Vincent de Paul successful prayer faith . . . [A]s a rule, the most learned persons do not produce the greatest results. We see that only too often. Vincent de Paul learned-person results wisdom If you must be in a hurry, then let it be according to the old adage, and hasten slowly. Vincent de Paul adages haste ifs Naturally, everyone is disheartened by sharp reprimands, and by the most amiable corrections as well, if they are frequent, immoderate, or given inappropriately. Vincent de Paul disheartened given wisdom I feel so strongly about the truths Our Lord taught us by word and example that I cannot help but see how everything done according to that teaching always succeeds perfectly well, while things done the opposite way have a quite different result. Vincent de Paul teaching faith opposites When in Rome, you must do as the Romans do and accept the local customs, if they are not immoral. Vincent de Paul rome accepting wisdom Foresight is good when it is subject to the latter, but it becomes excessive when we are in a hurry to avoid something we fear. We rely more on our own efforts than on those of his Providence, and we think we are doing a great deal by anticipating His orders by our own disorder, which causes us to rely on human prudence rather than on his Word. Vincent de Paul faith order thinking The children of our Lord walk gladly in his ways; they have confidence in him, and so when they fall, they rise again; and if, instead of stopping to grumble about the stone they have tripped over, they humble themselves at their fall, this helps them to advance with great strides in his love. Vincent de Paul faith children fall God's affairs are accomplished gradually and almost imperceptibly and His spirit is neither violent nor tempestuous. Vincent de Paul affair spirit faith I thank God that you know the art of tearing yourself apart - I mean the way to humble yourself truly by recognizing and realizing your faults. You are right in believing yourself to be as you describe and to be most unsuitable for any kind of duty; it is on this foundation that Our Lord will base the execution of His plans for you. Vincent de Paul humble believe art