Nights're cold now. Nights g'cold, y'get sick. S'what happens. Erin Hunter More Quotes by Erin Hunter More Quotes From Erin Hunter Tallstar stiffened and his neck fur bristled. 'Windclan was driven from the forest once,' he hissed. 'Never again. Our territory is ours, and we'll fight for it. Is Thunderclan with us? Erin Hunter fur territory fighting follow your heart! (sppotedleafs motto) Erin Hunter follow-your-heart motto heart firestar: jayfeather what does mallow look like? jayfeather: i dont know, ive never seen any Erin Hunter knows doe looks It was his cunning, this confidence and farsightedness in dealing with his own Clan, that made Crookedstar one of the strongest leaders the Clans have ever seen. Erin Hunter clans leader made Jaypaw narrowed his eyes. "I'm not as blind as you think. Erin Hunter his-eyes eye thinking You have no idea how much pain I'm in. It's like being cut open every day, bleeding onto the stones. I can't understand how any of you failed to see the blood. Erin Hunter cutting pain blood This is not my Clan. Not any longer. ThunderClan is led by a kittypet, and there's nothing left to fight for. I feel no loyalty to ThunderClan. In the whole forest, the only cat worth following is Tigerstar. Erin Hunter cat loyalty fighting What can be more exciting than that?" "Fighting ShadowClan Erin Hunter fighting exciting Oh yes. Blood is everything. But the only blood I'm interested in flows from my enemies. Look around you! These cats are bathed in blood. It soaks their fur and laps at their paws. This is the way we survive! We are BloodClan! Erin Hunter cat blood enemy I buried her on the shore," he whispered as Fireheart padded up and sat down beside him. "She loved the river." He raised his head to where the first stars of Silverpelt were beginning to appear. "She hunts with StarClan now," he mewed softly. "Someday I'll find her again, and we'll be together. Erin Hunter stars together rivers I'm so hungry I could eat you! -Cloudpaw Erin Hunter hungry [Fireheart] was interrupted by a screech from Cloudtail. "Fireheart! Fireheart, Brightpaw isn't dead!" Fireheart spun around and raced across the clearing to crouch beside Brightpaw. Her white-and-ginger fur, which, she had always kept so neatly groomed, was spiky with drying blood. On one side of her face the fur was torn away, and there was blood where her eye should have been. One ear had been shredded, and there were huge claw marks scored across her muzzle. Erin Hunter eye should-have blood You're a medicine cat. I understand what that means now. StarClan go with you, Leafpool. I'll never forget you. Erin Hunter medicine cat mean Go and don't come back, you can take the catmint. I have no quarrel with ThunderClan; I don't want to see cats suffer, whatever you might think. Just be careful you don't end up like a bully like your kin, Tigerstar. Erin Hunter bully cat thinking Don't be scared. I'll look after you. Erin Hunter scared looks I have to stay here and bury her," he whispered. "Here, between RiverClan and ThunderClan. After this, not even her own Clan will want to mourn her. Erin Hunter clans mourn want Shut up, I'm thinking! -Jayfeather (Night Whispers) Erin Hunter shut-up night thinking Lives begun in deception are always lived in shadow." (Stated by Yellowfang, page 3) Erin Hunter deception pages shadow I am no warrior, but I am a ThunderClan cat. I stay in the nursery rather than hunt and fight because that is what I do best. I care for our young as though they were my own. This is my gift to the Clan, but I do it in my own chosen name. Erin Hunter warrior cat fighting Three young cats with starlight in their eyes and the whisper of ancient wind in their fur." -Rock, Cats of the Clans Erin Hunter rocks cat eye