Non-African missionaries, responding generously to the Lord's call with ardent apostolic zeal, came to share the joy of revelation. Following in their footsteps, Africans are today missionaries on other continents. Pope Benedict XVI More Quotes by Pope Benedict XVI More Quotes From Pope Benedict XVI The capacity to accept suffering for the sake of goodness, truth and justice is an essential criterion of humanity, because if my own well-being and safety are ultimately more important than truth and justice, then the power of the stronger prevails, then violence and untruth reigns supreme. Pope Benedict XVI safety humanity justice Believing is nothing other than, in the darkness of the world, touching the hand of God, and in this way, in silence, hearing the Word, seeing love. Pope Benedict XVI inspiration faith believe Indeed, truth draws strength from itself and not from the number of votes in its favour. Pope Benedict XVI favour truth numbers How much we need, in the church and in society, witnesses of the beauty of holiness, witnesses of the splendour of truth, witnesses of the joy and freedom born of a living relationship with Christ! Pope Benedict XVI church joy needs The Gospel is not merely a communication of things that can be known - it is one that makes things happen and is life-changing. The dark door of time, of the future, has been thrown open. The one who has hope lives differently; the one who hopes has been granted the gift of a new life. Pope Benedict XVI life-changing communication faith We are still awaiting Easter; we are not yet standing in the full light but walking toward it full of trust. Pope Benedict XVI stills easter light Freedom is not only a gift, but a summons to personal responsibility. Pope Benedict XVI personal-responsibility responsibility An Adult faith does not follow the waves of fashion and the latest novelties. Pope Benedict XVI adults fashion faith Only from God does true revolution come... the definitive way to change the world. Pope Benedict XVI inspiration faith doe Dear brothers and sisters...The Lord is calling me to "climb the mountain", to devote myself even more to prayer and meditation. But this does not mean abandoning the Church, indeed, if God is asking me to do this, it is so I can continue to serve the Church with the same dedication and the same love with which I have done thus far, but in a way that is better suited to my age and my strength Pope Benedict XVI brother prayer mean Guilt must not be allowed to fester in the silence of the soul, poisoning it from within. It needs to be confessed. Through confession we bring it into the light, we place it within Christ's purifying love. In confession, the Lord washes our soiled feet over and over again and prepares us for table fellowship with him. Pope Benedict XVI silence light feet Every human being is loved by God the Father. No one need feel forgotten, for every name is written in the Lord's loving heart. Pope Benedict XVI names heart father Today, the need to avoid confusing marriage with other types of unions based on weak love is especially urgent. It is only the rock of total, irrevocable love between a man and a woman that can serve as the foundation on which to build a society that will become a home for all mankind. Pope Benedict XVI home love-is men The Holy Spirit gives us joy. And he is joy. Joy is the gift in which all the other gifts are included. It is the expression of happiness, of being in harmony with ourselves, that which can only come from being in harmony with God and with his creation. It belongs to the nature of joy to be radiant; it must communicate itself. The missionary spirit of the Church is none other than the impulse to communicate the joy which has been given. Pope Benedict XVI expression joy giving Music, great music, distends the spirit, arouses profound emotions and almost naturally invites us to raise our minds and hearts to God in all situations of human existence, the joyful and the sad. Music can become prayer. Pope Benedict XVI inspiration prayer faith Let us put our hands today again at (God's) disposition and pray that he takes our hands to guide us. Let his hand take ours so we won't sink, but will serve life which is stronger than death, and love which is stronger than hatred. Pope Benedict XVI hatred god hands God no longer simply stands before us as the One who is totally Other. He is within us, and we are in him. His dynamic enters into us and then seeks to spread outward to others until it fills the world, so that his love can truly become the dominant measure of the world. Pope Benedict XVI inspiration faith world If we take the Lord's hand and let ourselves be guided by him, the path we take will be right and good. Pope Benedict XVI lord path hands A Christian knows when it is time to speak of God and when it is better to say nothing and to let love alone speak. He knows that God is love and that God's presence is felt at the very time when the only thing we do is to love. Pope Benedict XVI inspiration christian faith The environment is God's gift to everyone, and in our use of it we have a responsibility towards the poor, towards future generations, and towards humanity as a whole. Pope Benedict XVI generations responsibility humanity