Note to self: Pasty-skinned programmers ought not stand in the Mojave desert for multiple hours. John Carmack More Quotes by John Carmack More Quotes From John Carmack I consider myself a remarkably unsentimental person. I don't look back on the good old days. John Carmack good myself look good-old-days I don't think anyone is going to say great things about being a native developer on Android. John Carmack say great think great-things I have fond memories of the development work that led to a lot of great things in modern gaming - the intensity of the first person experience, LAN and Internet play, game mods, and so on. John Carmack game experience work memories I think that first-person shooter is a stable genre that's going to be here forever, just like there are going to be driving games forever. There's something just intrinsically rewarding about turning around a corner and shooting at something. John Carmack think shooting driving forever When people heard id Software's being acquired, everybody just assumed it would be Activision or EA. Why would we even consider going with a publisher that wasn't of that same size? John Carmack why being size people The stereoscopic panoramic videos that we're showing on Samsung VR are getting a lot of positive traction. It's exciting when you see creative types - whether from the music, film, or video industries - look at this stuff. The gears are turning in their head almost immediately about how they can use it as a new medium. John Carmack look you music positive We were doing mobile games before the iPhone. We were doing free-to-play with 'Quake Live.' We wanted to do massively multiplayer stuff in the early days but didn't have the resources to do it. John Carmack iphone live doing games Obviously, virtual reality is where I've placed my bet about the future and where the excitement is going. At this point, I could say it's almost a lock. It's going to be magical - it is magical - and great things are coming from that. Along the way, I was focused on the first-person shooters. I said we should go do something on mobile. John Carmack great future reality way With 'Rage,' it was a little bit different because this was going to be the public's first interaction with the 'Rage' IP. Early on, right after the tech demo, there was some marked concern internally how much of a bad thing it would be if the game went out and it wasn't well released and people got a bad taste off it. John Carmack some game bad people It is clearly a bad idea to try to just move games from other platforms directly over, but I'm sure we will see a lot of it, especially as the handsets surpass the hardware capabilities of previous generation consoles. John Carmack generation will bad see Oculus version three or five or whatever it ends up being is something that can be used unplugged - we'd have our own Android stuff and all that - but you could plug it into the PC and use that. John Carmack something own you three It is true that the gameplay for 'Orcs&Elves' was designed around the limitations of mobile phones, and that if we were starting completely from scratch for the DS, we would probably do things a bit differently, but the bottom line is that when we sit a random DS player down with the game, they have a lot of fun. John Carmack random down game fun We had staffed up to do 'Doom 4' internally in parallel with 'Rage'. We also had our mobile and 'Quake Live' departments. We were taking a lot of steps to kind of provide a little bit more scope and protection for ourselves. And we certainly were listening to offers from all the majors about acquisition. John Carmack live more protection listening I don't buy into the precautionary principle idea where it's like, if there's a chance of something going wrong we should take mitigation measures for it, if there's demonstrated harm, then yes, we should try to mitigate the harm and balance it against the value that's created... but I think generally the right thing to do is to wait until harm actually manifests. John Carmack