Of all injustice, that is the greatest which goes under the name of law, and of all sorts of tyranny the forcing of the letter of the law against the equity, is the most insupportable. Roger L'Estrange More Quotes by Roger L'Estrange More Quotes From Roger L'Estrange He that serves God for Money, will serve the Devil for better Wages. Roger L'Estrange wealthdevilwages Some read books only with a view to find fault, while others read only to be taught; the former are like venomous spiders, extracting a poisonous quality, where the latter, like the bees, sip out a sweet and profitable juice. Roger L'Estrange readingsweetbook A plodding diligence brings us sooner to our journey's end than a fluttering way of advancing by starts. Roger L'Estrange diligencejourneyway Passions, as fire and water, are good servants, but bad masters, and subminister to the best and worst purposes. Roger L'Estrange passionfirewater The devil helps his servants for a season; but when they get into a pinch; he leaves them in the lurch. Roger L'Estrange servantevilhelping The common people do not judge of vice or virtue by morality or immorality, so much as by the stamp that is set upon it by men of figure. Roger L'Estrange judgingmenpeople We never think of the main business of life till a vain repentance minds us of it at the wrong end. Roger L'Estrange mindlifethinking The fairest blossoms of pleasantry thrive best where the sun is not strong enough to scorch, nor the soil rank enough to corrupt. Roger L'Estrange soilstrongsun Nothing is so fierce but love will soften; nothing so sharp-sighted in other matters but it will throw a mist before its eyes. Roger L'Estrange eyematterlove Men are not to be judged by their looks, habits, and appearances; but by the character of their lives and conversations, and by their works. Roger L'Estrange charactermenlooks It is not the place, nor the condition, but the mind alone that can make anyone happy or miserable. Roger L'Estrange eulogyinner-peacehappiness Wickedness may prosper for awhile, but in the long run, he that sets all the knaves at work will pay them. Roger L'Estrange workrunninglong By one delay after another they spin out their whole lives, till there's no more future left for them. Roger L'Estrange whole-lifedelayprocrastination Wickedness may prosper for a while. Roger L'Estrange wickednessmay He that contemns a shrew to the degree of not descending to words with her does worse than beat her. Roger L'Estrange degreesangerdoe Live and let live is the rule of common justice. Roger L'Estrange commonjusticepeace It is not the place, nor the condition, but the mind alone what it compares its situation to that can make anyone happy or miserable. Compare it to something better - result envy, frustration and sadness. Compare it to something worse - relief, gratitude and happiness. Roger L'Estrange gratitudefrustrationsadness There is no contending with necessity, and we should be very tender how we censure those that submit to it. It is one thing to be at liberty to do what we will, and another thing to be tied up to do what we must. Roger L'Estrange submitlibertyshould A universal applause is seldom less than two thirds of a scandal Roger L'Estrange applausescandaltwo Money does all things,--for it gives and it takes away; it makes honest men and knaves, fools and philosophers; and so forward, mutatis mutandis, to the end of the chapter. Roger L'Estrange moneygivingmen