One is more desirable when loved, not feared. Robert M. Hensel More Quotes by Robert M. Hensel More Quotes From Robert M. Hensel There is no greater disability in society, than the inability to see a person as more. Robert M. Hensel inabilitysocietyinspirational I have a Disability yes that's true, but all that really means is I may have to take a slightly different path than you. Robert M. Hensel differentmaymean Know me for my abilities, not my disability. Robert M. Hensel people-with-disabilitiesknow-medisability When everyone else says you can't, determination says,'YES YOU CAN.' Robert M. Hensel yes-you-candisabilitydetermination Have courage enough to accept what you can not change, but yet courageous enough to stand up and fight for what you can. Robert M. Hensel fightingenoughcourage I can not, and will not judge, by what my eyes may see. For the skin on a man shall not reveal his true identity. Robert M. Hensel eyecharactermen Whenever we begin to feel as if we can no longer go on, HOPE whispers in our ear to remind us that we are strong. Robert M. Hensel stronggoes-onears As a disabled man, let my life be a reflection of the endless amount of ability that exists in each and everyone of us. Robert M. Hensel disabilityreflectionmen I choose not to place "DIS," in my ability. Robert M. Hensel disabilityautismability To find equality for mankind, we must first remove the barriers that have divided us for so long. Robert M. Hensel equalitylongfirsts My disability has opened my eyes to see my true abilities. Robert M. Hensel disabilityabilityeye Being born with a disability, can sometimes be a struggle, but it is the ability to overcome such a challenge, that makes it so worth the fight. NEVER GIVE UP!!! Robert M. Hensel giving-upfightingstruggle I'm just a man on a mission, to prove my disability hasn't won Robert M. Hensel reaching-beyonddisabilitymen A man is not wealthy simply by the contents of his pockets alone, but instead by the richness of his heart. Robert M. Hensel heartinspirationalmen Now I look beyond what I can't do and focus on what I CAN. Robert M. Hensel i-canfocuslooks I'm chasing my dreams straight to the top - into a sky that has no limits. Robert M. Hensel limitsdreamsky Never take more out of life, than you intend to give back. Robert M. Hensel giving-backcharitygiving Limitations only go so far. Robert M. Hensel disabilitylimitation We are the true architects of our lives. Only we as individuals and individuals alone, carry within us, the inner ability to make any changes to it's blue prints. Robert M. Hensel individualbluelife Failure leaves open a door for us to try, and try again. Robert M. Hensel perseverancedoorstrying